Chapter Four

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The trio had gotten to the boarding house in no time, unfortunately for the boys the journey had mostly consisted of Dalia mess with the stereo or saying things to Damon to try and annoy him. As the car pulled up outside the house, Damon cut the engine before they all got out of the car and walked inside. Dalia squeezed passed both boys as they walked in the door, and began to walk towards the stairs. "Ah, where are you going?" Damon asked, with outward held arms.

"To change my clothes, or is that forbidden?" she asked sarcastically, not even waiting for a response before she continued up the stairs.

Tyler let out a light chuckle as he shook his head at her before he and Damon walked into the living room. Tyler sat down, but Damon headed straight towards his bourbon to pour himself a much needed drink before he picked up the glass he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, Tyler watched as he tapped the screen a couple of times before holding it to his ear. "Bonbon, it's Damon. Listen I need you and your witchy knowledge to come over, me and Stefan have a little doppelganger situation on our hands" Before Bonnie even had a chance to reply Damon hung up, he figured if he didn't explain or let her talk, she'd feel obligated to come over, especially since he'd mentioned Stefan who she was more friendly with. Tucking the phone away he grabbed his glass and turned on his heels before beginning explaining the little information he knew to Tyler.

"Okay so, she's a long lost doppelganger ?" Tyler asked for clarification.

"Yup" Damon answered before taking a swing of his drink.

"How is she alive if she's not a vampire?" Tyler asked.

"A warlock spellbound her" Damon answered, making a slight face at the word 'spellbound', not entirely sure of what it meant. "And apparently gave her some powers" he added, scrunching his nose at the thought of how he'd found out about them.

Tyler sat back in his chair with a puzzled look on his face. "So what's she doing here?"

"I don't know" Damon shrugged. "She said it was because she knew all about me and Stefan, and this town. She wanted to see what drew all the trouble here, but I find it hard to believe her"

Having changed into more comfortable clothing, which was a pair of leggings a shirt, Dalia made her way swiftly back down the stairs to join the boys in the living room. "Hello" she sang, taking a seat next to Tyler "So what you talking about?" she asked looking at him with a grin.

"You" Damon said bluntly before picking up his glass of bourbon again. Tyler looked at him surprised at his honest answer.

"I don't care Tyler" she explained. "Go ahead continue talking about how great I am"

Tyler unwillingly blew an amused breath of air, which he noticed gained an unimpressed look from Damon "Sorry" he apologized before clearing his throat. The brief awkwardness was thankfully interrupted by the sound of the door opening and a voice calling out.


"In here" he called back, indulging himself in his bourbon once again.

Nosily Dalia sat up straight to turn and look at who was coming. Her eyes locked on Stefan, with a very, very familiar looking girl, the sight of whom made Dalia stand. "Elena" she smiled deviously as she walked towards her. "Nice to finally meet you"

Elena had a hesitant and weary expression on her face as she looked at Dalia then between Damon and Tyler before back to her look like. "You too" she managed to get out. "Stefan's told me a lot about you"

"He's only told you what I've told him" she corrected with a quirked brow and slight grin.

"Right, he said you knew Katherine?" she asked almost worriedly, and trying to tread lightly.

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