Chapter Twenty-Five

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Slowly the friends pulled from their hug to look at each other, a smile was present on both of their faces as Kol held Dalia's shoulders before speaking, "I'll try to visit you, I'm sure Nik will argue, but I've never listened to him before and I certainly won't start with this" he smirked.
Dalia chuckled lightly, "I'll see you later" she smiled, though she was sad to be saying goodbye to him. Kol nodded and stepped back from her, Dalia turned and walked back to the balcony doors. When she looked over her shoulder Kol was already gone, she sighed and then finally stepped back into her room and closed the door.
Walking to her bed she fell back onto it and pulled out her phone from her pocket. She began to flick through it bored, not knowing what to do for the day. She plopped the phone down onto her stomach, placing her hands on top of it. She was sad Kol was leaving, that she no longer could just see her friend whenever she wanted, though of course it was her own doing. She knew Kol would stick by his word, that he would be there whenever she needed him, but she also didn't want to drag him away from his own life that he could now live, even if she had been the reason he'd gotten his life back in the first place. Hearing a noise downstairs she furrowed her dark brows and slowly propped herself up on her elbows as she listened.
Finally she pushed herself off the bed and walked to her door, and then out to the hallway. As she reached the top of the staircase she heard the front door close and made her way down the steps seeing three people; Stefan, Caroline, and Bonnie. She let out a light exhale as she hopped down the last step. "Well, hello" she smirked swinging her arms by her sides. Dalia didn't exactly have the best past with Caroline, and as for Bonnie, she hadn't had many interactions with her.
"Caroline" Stefan started as he turned to look at his blonde friend. "Don't you have something you wanted to say?"
Caroline gave Stefan a bored look of 'do I have to' before Bonnie nudged the blonde forward, "Caroline"
"Fine" Caroline huffed, glancing at her friends before back to the doppelganger. "Sorry for you know getting off on the wrong foot or whatever" she said unenthusiastically as she folded her arms and looked away.
Dalia chuckled lightly at the poor, forced excuse for an apologise.
"Dalia" Stefan then prompted hopefully.
"Whatever, you're forgiven Caroline" Dalia shrugged. Stefan did a pretend, throaty cough signaling to keep going, "And sorry too" Dalia added with an eye-roll. 

"Great, now that's all cleared up, let's have a drink" Damon's voice chirped as he came down the hall.
Dalia smirked at the Salvatore and quirked a brow. "Only if it's not bourbon" she said playfully as she locked arms with him and entered the living room. 
"You know I have a plethora of drinks" he replied playfully as they walked. 
Caroline, Stefan, and Bonnie all shared a look with one another before following behind the pair. Damon brought Dalia to the cabinet while the others took a seat. "Now, what would you like today?" he asked with a smirk. 
"Hmm" Dalia hummed as she tapped her finger on her lips. 
"How about we try some bourbon again?" Damon teased as he gave the bottle a light shake in her direction. 
"Only if you want it spat back at you" she light-heartedly threatened. 
The blue-eyed vampire rolled his eyes playfully before gesturing to the couch. "Go sit down and I'll surprise you"
Pursing her lips to into a smirk she turned and joined the others. Caroline and Bonnie were sat on one couch, Stefan was sat on an armchair and Dalia sat on the couch opposite the girls. 
"So," Damon started as he filled the drinks, "Did you say thank you to Bonnie?"
"Thank you to Bonnie?" Dalia repeated not sure why a thanks was needed. 
"Oh right" Stefan nodded, realising they hadn't mentioned it. "Bonnie was the reason we found you" he smiled at the witch. 
Dalia turned to look at the Bennett witch, surprised. "Really?"
Bonnie nodded, "Stefan got me to come over here and Tyler convinced me. It wasn't that hard to do a locator spell on you" she smiled slightly. 
"Oh, well, thank you Bonnie" Dalia said genuinely though she couldn't bring herself to smile as she began to think of the reason she had initially come to Mystic Falls. It had been Katherine's idea of course. Katherine had been the one to orchastrate prior travels Dalia had made and all with the same intent. Bonnie noticed Dalia's expression but before she could say anything Damon approached with the drinks. 
"Here we go" He said, his voice snapping Dalia from her thoughts as he placed down a silver tray with glasses atop it. "Take whatever one you want" The two girls and Stefan reached for one, but Damon was quick to speak again. "Except that one" he said grabbing the glass from Stefan. "That one's for my special friend" he smirked and handed it to Dalia. 
She took the glass from him skeptically, "What is it?" she asked trying to surpress her grin. 
"That's for me to know, and you, to dot, dot, dot" he smirked as he sat down next to her with his own glass in hand. Rolling her eyes she took a sip of the drink and was surprised that it actually tasted good. 

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