Chapter Twenty

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When Dalia's arm was stopped mid swing she quickly looked over her shoulder at who had grabbed her. She had been expecting Damon, Stefan or even Tyler but she was surprised when her eyes landed on another face, familiar just unexpected. Looking back and her eyes met Elijah, her narrowed eyes scanned him up and down. It was evident she was annoyed at his actions, at the mere fact he was even here. "What are you doing ?" she asked angry

"Well I came here to find my brothers, yet I find you, about to stake Katherina" he said pulling her wrist so she was standing up now. Once to her feet Elijah used his other hand to grab the stake from her grasp, keeping a calm exterior. 

"Then go find your brothers and let me do what I want" she growled, trying to reach over and grabbed her stake back yet her attempt was unsuccessful. 

"No can do Dalia, you don't kill family. I know that from experience" he nodded, exhaling lightly at the idea. Elijah had stood back and watched as Klaus staked Kol, Finnick and even Rebekah at one point. He was simply thankful that staking them wasn't permanent, that removing the stake would grant them life again. Yet for any vampire not an Original, a stake to the heart meant permanent death and he couldn't allow Dalia to do that. 

She understood what Elijah meant though she didn't agree with him in anyway. She rolled her eyes at him before speaking "She's not my family, you know what she did, she's a traitor" she spat turning to look at Katherine over her shoulder. 

"She's a survivor Dalia, like you. You learned from her, you don't want to kill her" he doubted, shaking his head lightly as he let her wrist go "I'll take her to Klaus, wherever the hell he may be" he huffed "Let Klaus do want he wants for her failing. There will be no blood on your hands, you will not be at fault" Elijah didn't just want Dalia not to kill Katherine for his own residing feelings for the elder Petrova, he also cared for Dalia. That being said, he didn't want for her to kill Katherine and feel the weight of a life on her hand for the rest of her life. 

Dalia scrunched her nose looking at Katherine, before averting her gaze back to Elijah. She looked at him, scanning his features. She was hesitant to allow Elijah to take care of Katherine, she worried that he wouldn't take her to Klaus like he'd promised. Yet as she looked at him, he didn't show any signs of lying. Dalia also knew that if she told Klaus of the events and Elijah didn't bring Katherine to him, he would be in trouble as well. Giving Elijah the benefit of the doubt she nodded, letting him know she was agreeing with him as she stepped back from Katherine. "You're nothing going to take me to Klaus ?" Dalia questioned "Won't he be mad at you?" Though she was giving him a chance with doing as he said with Katherine, she was curious as to why he was allowing her to go. The returning of her instead of Katherine would surely have gotten him bonus points with his brother, yet he was going against the expected actions. 

"I'll say my neck was snapped again" he smirked shrugging lightly "Now go, but I must tell Klaus where I saw you" he said walking and picking Katherine up  placing her over his shoulder. 

Dalia smiled at him and pecked his cheek "Thank you Elijah" she whispered, before he smiled back and blurred away. She took a deep breath before turning and walking back to the boarding house. She wasn't sure whether she'd tell the guys what had happened or not. Dalia was aware that if she mentioned conversing with Elijah, they would probably want to prevent her from leaving the house again for fear another Mikaelson got close to her again. She understood why they didn't trust nor like the Mikaelson's as much as she did. After all Katherine had managed to fill Dalia in on a lot of what had happened in Mystic Falls before she'd gotten there. Walking away from the bridge she strolled to where she'd parked Tyler's car before getting into it and driving off.

It didn't take long for her to reached the boarding house and she hastily made her way towards the front door. She opened the door and made her way to the living room where she saw Damon, Stefan, Tyler, Caroline and Elena all there awaiting her. Leaned on the door frame she exhaled as they all turned to look at her. "What's barbie doing here ?" Dalia asked pointing to Caroline, speaking before anyone had a chance to ask how things had gone.

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