Chapter Thirty-One

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Klaus appeared outside the Mikalson house in no time. Dalia had her arms slung around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder. Managing to open the door without putting Dalia down he then stepped inside and gently kicked the door closed behind them. He walked into the living room and placed the wet Dalia down on the couch by the fireplace that thankfully had a roaring fire going. Klaus presumed Kol had lit, knowing his brother wouldn't stop until he brought the doppelganger back. The hybrid tossed some more wood on the fire before turning towards Dalia. "I'll be right back," he told her before dashing off.
Dalia stayed silent, eyes staring at the bright flames offering a warmth that she was very grateful to be feeling. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach as she sat motionlessly. Klaus quickly reappeared with both a towel and drink in his hands. Dalia tore her gaze away from the fire to glance at the white towel as he handed it over, simultaneously placing the drink on the coffee table. 
"I figured you could use something strong." He sat next to her, arms resting on his knees as he sat forward. There was silence as Dalia tried her face and hair off slightly with the towel, before Klaus spoke again, "Did you enjoy my paintings?" Dalia slowly looked at him nodded in response. Exhaling lightly, he bit his lip for a second before asking, "What happened?" Dalia instantly stopped drying her hair and looked away from him back to the fire. "Soft subject, apologies." he said raising his hands in defense. Dropping his hands to his sides he edged closer to her. "Listen love, stay here."
Dalia took a deep breath and sat back against the couch. She didn't know what to say, but luckily she didn't need to say anything as Klaus continued on. 
"We won't leave you, we all care about you... even Rebekah."
Without thinking a laugh left Dalia's lips and she was shaking her head.
Hearing her laughter a smile formed on Klaus's lips and he patted her knee. "I missed your laugh." Still smiling Dalia leaned across to hug Klaus, the man she once feared and thought her enemy, had come to get her in the rain with pure intentions. The hug was nice, despite the cool feeling between them due to still being in wet clothes. Pulling out of the hug both were still smiling, sharing a moment of happiness. 
Klaus reached his hand up, moving a strand of wet hair from her cheek to behind her ear. Dalia's brown eyes met his blue ones as his hand moved from her ear to her cheek, cupping it gently. The eye contact was broken for a moment as he glanced at her lips and began to slowly lean in. Dalia took a moment before snapping back to reality and dipped her head down to look at the floor, stopping Klaus in his tracks. 
"Sorry love," Klaus awkwardly apologised, his warm hand moving from her cheek. 
"Well, look who returns."
Dalia's eyes shot up from the floor and a grin appeared on her lips. "Kol!" she beamed, jumping up from the couch to run and hug him.
Kol embraced her and spun her around gently. "You missed today's delivery." He chuckled as he placed her back down on the floor.
"Sorry," she said, though still smiling, happy to see him. 
"Why don't you head upstairs and take a shower? All your clothes are still here." 
Dalia nodded and then left the room, heading straight upstairs and looking forward to getting out of her dripping clothes. Kol turned to face Klaus who was still seated on the couch. Klaus looked to the coffee table where the drink he'd brought Dalia resided. "She didn't drink it." he mumbled, glancing to Kol who was approaching.
"She doesn't like bourbon," Kol explained knowingly. He picked up the glass and downed it in one go before he sat next to his brother. "She's been hurt. She needs us as friends more than anything Nik."
"I know." the elder brother agreed, exhaling. 

Dalia had finished showering a couple of minutes ago and was now dressed in her clothes for bed. Running her fingers through her hair she took a seat at the vanity in her room. She was looking at herself in the mirror absentmindedly when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Come in,"
The door opened and Rebekah and Elijah walked in. 
"Dopplganger," Rebekah said with a smile as she leaned against the wall, arms folding over her chest.
"Hi," Dalia replied, turning in her chair to face the pair. Her eyes moved from the blonde to Elijah and she gave a sideways smile, "Sorry about your neck." she said, referring to Stefan snapping it when they came to get her. 
"Not like it hasn't happened before" He shrugged, letting her know it was no big deal. 
"So," Rebekah started, pushing her shoulder off the wall. "Staying for good are we?" She quirked an eyebrow.
Dalia let out a sigh and looked down at her hands."I think so."
Elijah and Rebekah looked at one another, they could tell Dalia wasn't one hundred percent sure, her mind likely preoccupied with what had happened. Kol had told his siblings what he'd found out after Klaus has gone in search of Dalia, so everyone was up to speed. 
"Good," Rebekah pipped up since the room had gone quiet. "I need another girl around here. I can only take so much of my idiotic brothers," she said light-heartedly, trying to cheer up the doppelganger.
"And we're all happy we've only one baby sister," Elijah added, looking at Dalia wide-eyed.
The brunette looked up, her eyes meeting Elijah's causing her to chuckle. "Who knew it would take a doppelganger to bring all the Mikaelson's together." she teased.
Both siblings chuckled, surprised at her words, but nodding. "Who knew," Elijah repeated. "We'll let you get some sleep." Turning on his heels the suited man began his exit.
"Night Dalia." Rebekah smiled briefly before following after her brother. 
Once the door was closed Dalia let out a light breath and got up from the chair to lay down on the bed. Grabbing her phone from the side table her eyebrows knotted as she saw the number of notifications. She hadn't been able, or bothered really, to check her phone when out in the rain. Swallowing the lump in her throat she started to open the messages. 

From: Damon xxx
Where are you?
Dalia, come back.
Tyler's gone, just get home.
Kol came over, are you okay?
Dalia, please?!

From: Elena :)
Dalia, Kol's looking for you. Where are you? He said you won't come back?
Why haven't you replied? Did something happen?
Dalia, please come back.

From: Unknown
Dalia, it's Caroline.
I know we didn't get along the best, but you shouldn't be out in the rain.
Maybe we can talk?

From: Matty x
I heard what happened, are you okay?
Tyler came by earlier, he's already left Mystic
I went to the boarding house, they said you left, are you alright?

From Tyler <3 :* <3

I'm so sorry!
This is for the best.
I promised you I'd keep you safe, no matter what it takes. That's all I'm doing.
Just stay safe.

From: Stefan :P
Did Kol find you? Are you okay?
Dalia, the  front door will be unlocked all night for you x

If you need someone, call, it doesn't matter what time it is. 

From: Bonnie :D
Dalia, I promise I won't track you. If you want to be alone for awhile I understand.
Just let me know are you okay?
It's really coming down out there, be safe x

Dalia took a shaky breath not allowing the tears to fall from her eyes, she'd done enough crying today. She locked her phone and placed it under her pillow. Getting under the cover she tried to get comfy and sleep. Hopefully getting some rest and a break from everything around her

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