Chapter One

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Evening had turned to night in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Down the street walked a familiar face, though a totally new person to the homely town. Slender arms swung by her sides as she strutted down the sidewalk, her ankle boots clicking with every step. Though her walk was casual, she made sure to stay on alert and keep her guard up. Brown eyes glanced upwards to read the sign 'Mystic Grill', just the place she was looking for. She pushed the door open and slowly stepped into the building, the sound of the door closing behind her went totally unnoticed by the others in the bar.

The room was filled with what seemed a typical hustle and bustle, it wasn't over packed with customers though there were people scattered around either playing pool, darts, sitting in a booth or at a table and only a few stragglers sat at the bar. Crossing the room she took a seat on one of the empty stools at the bar and it didn't take long before a bartender approached her. "What can I get ya?" he asked, wiping down the glass with a cloth.

"Uh, just a gin" she answered, shrugging her shoulder slightly. The bartender nodded and threw the cloth over his shoulder before grabbing the bottle of gin. Unscrewing the cap he quickly filled up a glass and placed it on the counter in front of her. "Start a tab would you?" she asked, flashing a smile.

"Sure thing" The bartender nodded again, before moving down to the other end of the bar to serve the next customer waiting.

Watching as the bartender walked away she picked up the glass and took a long needed sip. Though just as the glass moved away from her lips a voice grabbed her attention. "Didn't know you were leaving the house"

Swallowing the gin she placed the glass back on it's coaster as she turned to look at the man who had sat next to her. He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes that watched her tentatively. Pursing her lips into a thin line she fought to suppress the smirk threatening to appear, before she let out an exhale. "You're right Damon. I just, needed to get away from Stefan for a while" she shrugged, before pushing herself up from her seat. "I better get back before he starts to worry. Could you pay for that?" she asked, gesturing to the glass with a somber look on her face. Moving her stool to the side she began to walk across the room again before exiting the door nonchalantly.

Once outside and out of sight, she allowed the smirk to form on her lips as a light breathy laugh followed. Just as she shook her head amused she suddenly felt herself being grabbed and her body was thrust up against something hard; a wall. The grip holding her in place was over her throat, her airway being restricted slightly. Eyes quickly met those of which was pinning her, the same unforgettable blues from moments ago.

"Hello again" she smirked cockily, her voice being strained slightly due to his grip

"You're getting worse at impersonating Elena, Katherine" he snarled, scrunching his noise slightly. "What are you doing back here?"

"I'm not Katherine, Damon" she teased, bringing her hand up to rest on his.

"Oh please Katherine" he exhaled, rolling his eyes before he tightened his grip. "This town's finally quite for once, we don't need you ruining that"

"If I was Katherine we both know the tables would've turned the minute you touched me and you'd be against this wall" she said, grabbing his hand trying to relieve some pressure. "Now you can either let me go like a good little boy, or I can scream, very loudly so people will think you're hurting poor little loved Elena. You're choice" she threatened.

Damon narrowed his eyes, looking her up and down before as he slowly released his grip, his hand falling back to his side. "If you're not Katherine, then who are you?" he questioned confused. He knew she was right, Katherine was much older than Damon, if she didn't like the way he handled her she'd fix the situation at the drop of a hat and easily over power him. But this girl hadn't and when she tried to release the pressure it hadn't been by much so he could tell she wasn't very strong at all

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