And Then There Were Four

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Lily's POV (Oh, new POV, enjoy!)

It's been a few days since I've been at the academy and it's been fun. I've got me to hang out with my little sister, get to know Bree, spend time wth Chase, and make sure he's the right guy for Lucy, and I've spent a lot of time with Adam. We are actually a lot alike, and he's super cute. Shh, don't tell him I said that.

So we were all in the mentors room, taking a little break from training that day. Oh! I got ranked Expert, yeah I know I'm awesome. The over students were around the island doing something.

I was sitting on the chair, playing on my phone, when Mr. Davenport walked in.

"Good news, guys!" He announced, walking into the middle of the room. "I'm totally free this weekend. No meetings, no conferences, just two fun filled days with me."

That sure sounds like fun, if you like to talk about Mr. Davenport, then yeah, sure.

"Sooo? No conferences at all?" Bree asked. "You know if we looked really hard, I bet we could find you one." I nodded my head, and saw Lucy agree too.

"Are you saying you don't want to hangout with me?" Davenport asked, in disbelief and sadness. Oh that's sad, but it's kinda the truth, we don't. Sorry

"Well, if she's not, I am." I heard Adam answer, making me glance back at him and Leo, who were playing foosball.

"What about you, Leo?" Davenport asked, looking at him. I looked at Leo, and he didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Uh, Big D, I'd love to, but I just really don't want too." Leo shook his head, making me giggle.

Chase stood up, smiling. "Don't worry Mr.Davenport I'll hangout with you." He patted his shoulder.

"You know what, I got a lot of work." Davenport changed his mid walking away, Lucy patted Chase's back.

I saw Douglas walk in holding his phone, looking confused. What's up with him?

"Hey Douglas." I greeted, and Lucy noticed his mood. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, concerned.

"I just got a phone call from Daniel." He informed, and I scrunched my face. Who's Daniel.

"Who's Daniel?" Bree asked, glancing at back at us. Okay, I'm not the only one confused, woo!

"Your brother." Douglas informed, making me look the at everyone shocked. Wait what, Lucy looked at me, with wide eyes. I was the same.

Another brother, what?!


Douglas walked in and sat on the couch, as we all surrounded him, asking questions about this Daniel dude.

"We have another brother?!" Chase asked, shocked and in disbelief.

"I never told anyone but, I actually created four bionic super humans." He told us. "Adam, Bree, Chase, and... Daniel." What is with this dude and alphabetical names?

"What is with you naming your kids in alphabetical order?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"It's better than there original names." He explained. "Big boy, little boy, and not a boy."

That's weird, Chase was big boy and Adam was little boy. Weird.

"Another brother, huh?" Bree questioned sitting up. "Would it kill you, to throw some lip gloss and long hair into one of your test tubes?!"

"I can't believe you never told me. Out of all the rotten things you've done, this has got to be the worst." Davenport told him, betrayed.

Douglas stood up and walked over to him, saying. "I had to keep it a secret, so Daniel would be safe." He marched up to his brother. "He was just a baby, the day you stole these guys from me!"

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