One of Us

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It was a nice, beautiful day here at the academy, it was about a week after the Giselle and Troy situation. I have been trying to remove the memory from my brain. Well except the warrior princess Chase called me. That's a memory I will never forget.

Oh, also if you're didn't know, I had braces, and I got them off yesterday. Wearing a retainer is not so bad, but I don't like it.

Anyway, today Leo was missing, he told me he was leaving, but I don't know where he's went or what he was doing?

Adam, Bree and Chase, and I walked in the hydro loop entrance, and found Douglas talking to a student.

"Douglas! Have you seen Leo, he's late for training." Chase asked, as we walked over to Douglas.

"Why don't you just call him?" Douglas suggested.

"Ugh, to much work. Let's just  kick him out of the academy." Adam complained, and I rolled my eyes, hitting his chest.

Chase called Leo and he picked up. It looks like he was back home. Is it weird, that I kinda miss my home?

"Hello!" Leo smiled.

"Leo what are you doing back at Mission Creek! You're suppose to be here for training." Chase informed him.

"Sorry I had to pop back to deal with a little situation. Janelle missed me. You ladies can be so needy!" Leo complained, i'm so far behind, I don't know who Janelle is!

"She threatened to back up with you didn't she?" Bree asked, kinda smiling.

"It was implied." Leo said, kinda embarrassed. I chucked, crossing my arms. That's when his doorbell rang, and Leo freaked out. "Ahh! She's here!" Leo hung up, basically dropping his phone.

"Can you believe him?" Chase asked with disbelief. "Skipping his training to hang out with a girl." I looked at him strangely, he's done that before, with me!

"Mm, you might understand one day, when you actually have one." Adam patted his shoulder and I looked at him offended.

"Um hello, I'm his girlfriend!" I exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Chase's shoulder.

"Yeah, Lucy's my girlfriend! And for your information, later today I will be online gaming with frizzybizzy21." Chase informed them, is it weird that I'm jealous? Hoping it's not a girl. "And there's a least a 50% chance that's a female!" Chase smiled happily. I sighed, rolling my eyes. I hope it's not a female.

"Yeah.... No there's not." Bree broke the news to him, and Chase's face fell. I then saw the hydro loop doers open to reveal a girl with black hair, and had black clothing on. She looks very familiar to me, I just can't put my finger on it.

"Ahhh! It's her!" Douglas exclaimed frightened, and hid behinds he cyber desk. Everyone got into fighting position, including Chase, while Adam walked up to her.

"Hey, you look familiar? Do I know you from somewhere?" Adam asked her, pointing to her.  She was about to respond, but Chase said something

"Adam! That's S-1! Krane's lead solider! She tried to destroy us!" Chase informed him, ok I can not be anymore confused.

"Oh yeah!" Adam whispered, remembering, then looked at S-1. "Hey why don't we finish the job and get out of here?"

S-l walked over to us, being surrounded by the students.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked her, sternly.

"Well, I thought since this a bionic academy you might be the only people who can help." S-l told us. "Somethings wrong with me."

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