A Call

117 6 4

27th November 2009
Matt's POV

I was sleeping when my phone began to ring. Sleepily, I picked it up to see who it was. No caller ID. Guess groaned and put her pillow over her head. I chuckled and stopped the ringing.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"I told you I would call." It was Mello.

"Of all the different times to call."

"Had to make it dramatic."

"Sure," I said sarcastically. "What's up?"

"I'm recruiting you and Guess."


"More so you but it's to spy on Misa-Misa. You know the pop idol?"


"She could be the second Kira."


"I'll be coming over later today with a couple of monitors so you can watch CCTV."


"Are you listening?"

"Got it."

"You haven't changed. I'll be up there later."

"K." He hung up.

"Who was it?" Guess mumbled from underneath her pillow.

"Mello. He's coming over later today to drop off some monitors for spying."

"Yay." The phone rang again. Guess groaned again.

"What?" I answered.

"By the way, you will have to leave the house sometimes."

"Fuck you."

"Your welcome." He hung up again.

"What's with the fuck you?" Guess asked still under the pillow.

"I have to leave the house sometimes."

"Understood." I lay there for a moment until Guess groaned and removed the pillow from her head. "Not sleepy anymore."

"Same." I lay on my back staring at the ceiling. Guess shuffled over to me and buried her head in the crook of my neck and wrapped her arm around my bare chest. I wrapped my arm around her back and held her hand.

"This is the future I dreamed of... God that sounds cheesy." She said.

"Yeah it does. But I agree."



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