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6th December 2009
Guess's POV

"Idiot!" I screamed. I crumpled up the letter and ran into my room. "Like I'm not going to look for you!" I shouted to him despite him not being there. I began stuffing a suitcase. "Yes, I'd leave you behind to save your life, but you know very well that you wouldn't just let it happen! You'd look for me! And I'll look for you!" I turned to pack toiletries, not even knowing where I was heading, but three men stood in my room. My hold on the letter I didn't let go of became tighter.

"You scream, I pull the trigger." He held a gun up and pointed it at my heart. Ironic really.

In a second, I used what I knew of capoeira to kick the gun to the other side of the room and caught the man blocking the doorway by surprise. I tried to run to the kitchen, I could throw knives after all. Once I go to the living room, there were 2 other men defending it. "Shit," I muttered under my breath. By then I was surrounded, they bound my wrists and as I struggled, they put a cloth over my mouth drugging me. My vision blurred and I blacked out.


I awoke tied to a chair in the centre of an empty room. The walls, floor and ceiling concrete grey and rotting. One man who held the gun back home stood in front of me.

"Ah, you're awake."

"What do you want?"

"Answer my questions and I'll let you go." The four other men entered the room. "Where did they go? Mello and his accomplice?"

"I don't know," I answered simply.

"Why did they leave you behind?"

"To keep me safe, but we all know how that turned out." I said sarcastically.

"So you won't talk will you?"

"If you're going to torture me, go for it. My answer won't change. I don't have another one."

"How well can you handle mental torture then?" He pulled out my crumpled letter from his pocket and a lighter. As much as I hated what the letter contained, it was Matt's last gesture to me. My eyes widened. The man tipped his head to the side and I followed that direction with my eyes. My goggles sat on a metal table that I'd missed when I first scanned the room. Another man approached the table with a hammer.

"No," I whispered.

"You answer the questions and the items are spared! Where did they go?!"

"I don't know!" I cried. "I want to know as much as you do, but I have no idea! It's the truth!" I begged desperately.

"You know what to do." The boss with the letter said to the man with the hammer.

"Please!" The hammer rose high above the man's head. I wanted to look away but my eyes were fixed on the most precious gift Matt ever gave me. The world seemed to go in slow motion. The hammer came down; falling. Falling. And crash. The orange lenses shattered, pieces flying everywhere. The black frames cracked and broke. It was as if they were a part of me. My heart felt like it almost shattered in my chest, my body wanting to crawl up into a ball; my head bowed and I squeezed my eyes shut. It was at that moment that I knew. Mello's 'probably' was...

Matt's POV

I hope Guess is okay.

"You made the right choice, Matt." Mello told me as we set off for Japan.

"I said that aloud?"

"Yeah. She'll be fine. And can handle herself."

"If I was in her shoes... There would be no way I'd sit back and relax, not try and follow her. Do you think she'll do the same?"

"Honestly?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes. She'll try and track us down. No doubt about it."

"Will she be able to?"

"I'm not sure. Depends on how many clues we left. Did you mention Japan in that letter?" I shook my head. "Then it'll be a lot harder for her."

"What if... What if we're dead by the time she finds us?"

"Honestly?" He asked again. I nodded. "She probably will find us dead, or she'll never know and never find us."

"An endless search..."


"I'm beginning to regret leaving her."

"If she was here, she'd end up like us."

"She would have wanted it like that. Rather than for her to live and us to die."

"I suppose."

"I would have too, if it was her leaving."

"We can't go back on it now. You decided to save her life. That's the consequence." I sighed and looked out the plane window.

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