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Guess's POV

I've had it.


The voice made me jump out of my skin. I was certainly not expecting anyone to be there. I dropped the knife with a clatter and crumbled backwards to the nearest wall to get away. Staring up that the figure, he put his hands above his head. Surrendering.

"It's me, Matt; Mello sent me down here to get him more chocolate. What are you doing here?"

Hands... Above his head... Surrendering... Just like the dream... Not... No...

"NO!!!" I screamed and pulled my legs towards my chest and put my head on my knees pulling at my hair as my hood had already fallen down.

"Whoa, whoa, Guess what's wrong? What happened?" I felt him sit beside me and wrap his arm around my shoulder which was shaking violently. So was the rest of my body. I instantly felt safe from myself but my body refused to believe it. I jumped and made my way back crawling quickly to where I was before. By the knife again narrowly missing the blade but clasping the handle. Matt looked at me, then the knife.

"Guess... Did you... Try to... End everything?" I waited for a few seconds to catch my breath and then nodded slowly. Still with tears streaming down my face. He took the knife off the floor and put it in the sink. I kept trying to catch my breath and Matt just stared at me. Stared at me in my darkest moment. He crouched in front of me one knee on the floor, and the other with his arm resting on it. He opened his mouth as to say something and closed it again. He lifted his other hand to my face and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Guess," he began taking a deep breath in and choosing his words carefully, "if you were to... Go... I honestly don't know what I'd do. I hate myself for not trying to talk to you since... Lust... but all that she said was a lie. I don't know why I didn't tell you. I'm- I'm an idiot okay Guess? An idiot. Nothing more nothing less. Please, forgive this dumb ass?" The look in his eye and the small crooked smile on his face was so adorable that I couldn't help but smile. I don't know why I did it, but I just fell into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder by his neck. He seemed surprised at first but eventually wrapped his arms around me. I've never felt safer.

From me, Lust, or anyone. Nothing can harm me now.


Aweeeee so kawaii xD just had some more ideas, be up soon! Almost at 900 reads... Wait.. 900 READS?!!?!???!! XD thanks so much. Here, have a virtual cookie! ^.^ see you in the next one!


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