School Chit-Chat

256 15 9

Friday 18th June 2004
Guess's POV

Robin and I had our last class of the day; deduction. We didn't have normal classes like I was used to, like maths, English, science, etc. Certainly was more interesting than stuff like that anyway.

We walked into class and sat behind our desks. The classroom had about 5 rows of 5 single desks and at the front, a blackboard. Don't ask me why it wasn't a whiteboard with the pens and stuff like I was used to from back when I was in other orphanages. My desk was second from the back by the window opposite the door and the seat behind me was empty. Robin sat to my left, 2 desks down and one desk forwards. Matt and Mello were in a different class. Mr Rady was our teacher and once everyone was in class he began.

"Alright, guys, today's lesson we will be doing in pairs so whilst I do the register I'd like you to get into partners."

Robin came over and sat behind the desk behind me and I turned my chair around to face her.

"I need your advice," she said.

"What is it?"

She took a small breath, "I think I... I like Mello..."

I smiled, "And the advice you need is?"

"How do I tell him? I don't  think he will murder me but..."

I thought for a moment, "I saw this coming... How's about I get us all into my room and then I'll find a way to drag Matt from the room with me and leave you two alone?"

"What will I do then?"

"Do what you feel is right."

"Okay, on these sheets there are a number of suspects. Use 3 witness reports to reduce the number of possible suspects and then deduce the rest from the knowledge you have of each suspect on the sheet." Mr Rady said as he circled around the room handing out the task.

"Do what I feel is right? Like what?"

"I don't know, that's what I did when Matt told me he liked me."

"Yeah, but you knew he liked you and I don't; what if he hates me?"

"Well you can tell him flat out but actions speak louder than words."

"... Fine. When are planning on doing this?"

"Today of course! The four of us don't have a fourth period today so that leaves all the more time!"

"Oh god no! I don't have time to think!"

"All the better, that means you'll act accordingly to your emotions instead of what would be... What you'd do after a lot of preparing."


"Now let's get on with this sheet. Shouldn't take too long."

--------------(time skip brought to you by Attack on Titan Junior High)----------

We completed the sheet before anyone else in the class and eventually Mr Rady ran out of sheets to give us so he let us chat for the rest of the lesson. Once the lesson was over we left the classroom and started walking back to the orphanage to meet the guys in my room as we usually did. On the way we bumped into Ms Orbes, our code breaking teacher.

"Oh, girls, I was looking for you!" She said.

"What is it, Miss?"

"You both scored full marks on your test last week and I wanted to congratulate you both."

"Thank you, Miss," we both said.

"I'll see you two on Monday then!" And she began to walk away.

"See you!" I said. Robin just nodded and smiled.

We resumed heading to my room and Matt and Mello were in their room when we got there. The both got up when the saw us and entered into my room.

"Oh my god, today was boooorrrrinngggg!" Matt cried as he sat on the foot of my bed.

"That's what you say every day," I said as I turned my desk chair to face the centre of the room and sat down.

"I won't be on Monday! Got a new hand-held console on order, should be here on Sunday."

"Oh cool! What is it?"

"GP32. Came out last Tuesday." 

"Awesome! Show me what is looks like, I haven't heard of it."

"My laptop's in my room."

"It won't take too long let's just go over there," I turned to Robin and winked, "Won't be long." Matt and I left the room and I shut the door behind me. I proceeded to tell Matt what was happening with Robin and so we just talked for a while whilst we waited... Okay so maybe not just talked, we rarely got any time alone together so we made the most of it. AND NOTING THAT KINKY, SCREW YOU. 

Robin's POV

Whatever I feel's right, huh? ... WHAT THE FUCK DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO????


Okay so I'll start with the fact that I realised this was all based in 2004 and 1) Skyrim hadn't been released yet, 2)Black Butler either, or Attack on Titan, or Elfen Lied, 3) Vocaloid didn't have concerts, 4)DSs or PSPs were invented, and so I've changed a couple of chapters, not drastically; but some like Normal? and Shooping In Japan would be hard to change so... DEAL WITH THE TIME ILLOGICALNESS (new words ftw). I'm saying this more to myself because I know it's gonna bug me...

Secondly, the thing I seem to mention the most in this book, why I haven't posted; 1) (I like lists okay?) I got a new laptop, I mean come on, I haven't left it alone at all practically XD 2) School has been throwing homework at me, but it's half term now, 3) I didn't want to write a half-hearted chapter just to fill the time, so I waited until I had time to think about it. You can validate those reasons if you wish. 

Commenters today are:


Thanks, guys, I'm approaching a tough time, some of you might figure out why but it might be considered pretty lame by some so I won't say what it is but it might reflect in my writing, I'm not sure. So it might get a little depressing... anyway, see you guys next time!


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