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Guess's POV

So the next morning after the nightmare, Matt and I met up in my room and snooped the Internet for some gaming sites we found a few but one seemed cool and caught my eye. We made an account for me first, adding a username, password, and entering my age. My username was SchwarzSythe.

"Ok, I have an account, your turn, what do you want your username to be?" I asked Matt as I logged out of my account and started creating a new one.

"Humm... How about... SmexyGamer?" I sniggered and so did he.

"Really?" I laughed.

"You mad bro?" He crossed his arms and smirked.

"No! It should be," and then I started typing.


"Oh, hell no!" He laughed.

"You mad bro?"

"You're an idiot!" He joked; this was what our typical conversation consisted of.

"Ok, ok," I erased the name,"how about... GameOfTheCentuary."

"Actually, that sounds pretty cool!"

"What did I tell ya? I'm swagulous at making usernames!"

"Secretly we are gayulous?" He asked.

"Hey, if I was gay, which I'm not, but what's the problem with it huh?"

"What if I was referring to the happy gay?"

"Then fine." I turned in my chair slightly and crossed my arms. Still sniggering. "Anyway, put in your password." I turned my laptop towards him and he began typing.


"Kay den..." I scrolled through the page a little. "When's your birthday? The year can be the same as mine cus this game's an 18..." I began thinking aloud.

"First of February," he said. I began to put in the date and sneaked a look at the date in the bottom right corner. 10th of February.

"Wait, you're 14?!"

"Yuh huh." He said sassily clicking his fingers from side to side with ever syllable. I laughed at his response.

"I MISS YOUR BIRTHDAYYYYY" I cried grabbing his shoulders and shaking him slightly.

"It's fine, don't even worry about it. It was my fault we weren't talking anyway."

"Don't beat yourself up about it!" I told him. "Is there anything I can get chu for a late birthday prezzie?"

"Nah, it's fine!"

"Aw, come one there has to be something!"

"What, you mad bro?!" He laughed. Something about his laugh made me feel... An unexplainable emotion. It was.. Odd. A warm tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I kissed my teeth and looked away.

We finished making his account and started playing the game.


So if you would like to know, this is the timeline of this story:

The first chapter when Guess joins the orphanage: 16th January.
Crying?:25th January.
Visions: 26th January.
Lust on the same day. ^
7 days after ^ makes it 2nd February being the day she begins to knife throw.
3rd on the day she hits Lust with the knife.
5 days of cleaning making it the 8th for her suicide attempt.
'The morning after' is the 9th.
The nightmare on the 10th as well as this chapter.

So that's the timeline up to now. I just worked it out ^.^


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