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Guess's POV

"3, 2, 1..."

The world slowed but I still moved at speed, the knife was shown and I threw it. It was moving too fast for her to realise. The knife glided passed her cheek and cut her not deeply, but enough for her to feel it. Just as intended. Time went back to normal speed and Lust quickly clasped her cheek for a few seconds and revealed her hand with blood. Her face was shocked, but then she smirked.

"Should have practised more huh?" She thought I was aiming for her face.

"No, I hit bang on target." She paused for a second and turned around to see the picture she drew be hit on centre. "I'd planned to sit here, I planned for you to approach me, I'd planned for you to stand right there and hit your drawing square in the face," the drawing was of herself that she herself drew. The knife was planted right between her eyes. I smirked. "Maybe you should try a change your routine a bit next time, Lust," I grabbed my sandwich and jumped up from my seat. I knew I was fast and her in heels couldn't be more that my jogging pace. Sprinting up to my bedroom I heard her call my name and knock on Roger's door. Great. I wondered what he'd have planned for me. No matter now, I ran into my room swiftly and quietly.

Going to get a punishment for sure but...



Yay! New chapter! Gotta go write the next one! I have the next one, well, next two, planned out so after that and we can see where we go from there. Byee!


The Gamers (MattXOC Death Note Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें