Extra Training

175 8 8

3rd November 2004
Guess's POV

We managed to get Mello back to normal around 3 days later, maybe a little less. He had fully recovered mentally a lot sooner but he was weak from barely any sleep, chocolate, and food in general. I sensed something about him had changed, though, something small, something almost insignificant... Something that had affected him at some point during his grief. He seemed more... Competitive. He strived even harder to beat Near, to be the best. I couldn't quite understand it... But let it go. The good thing was that he was functioning again.

Now we had been doing combat in school. We were told that for the first few weeks, maybe until the end of November to December, we would be training every weekday. I didn't mind at all really, capoeira was fun, and I seemed to have the knack for it. We had a white uniform, baggy trousers and a slightly baggy top, barefoot. Our teacher came from Brazil, the origin of the fighting style, there was no one better to learn from. She had a small accent, yes; she. Her name was Shayla, she didn't tell us her last name as she wanted us to be close. She had long, curly, brown hair and pretty pale skin. It was easy to trust her and she saw the relationship Matt and I had together and always found a way to make sure we weren't separated. Not only did she teach us how to fight, but also a couple of Portuguese words here and there. Gradually we all began learning and it quickly became my favourite lesson. Matt and I both trusted her, and I swore to myself that if I ever had a problem I could talk to her; she had a vibe about her, always spoke loudly, always smiling. Something that brought the true warmth of Brazil to the class. If you were wondering, Mello decided to train in aikido, he quite liked the idea of being able to restrict his opponent and pin them to the floor.

We were walking to Wednesday's capoeira class when I remembered something.



"Back when Mello hadn't gotten better yet and we had that encounter with Lust, just before you said there was another reason behind your choosing of capoeira. What was it? You never ended up telling me."

"Oh," he smirked remembering why. "I just thought it would be pretty hot to see you fight." I sniggered and lightly punched him on the shoulder.


"What? It's true! And I was right." He took hold of my hand as we entered into class, we already had our fancy get up on so waited a couple of minutes for Shayla to arrive.

"Olá crianças! Desculpe o meu atraso! Vamos começar, né?" Shayla walked in as her happy self and most people in the class looked confused as to what she said.

I shouted from the back, "Ta bom!" Shayla's head turned towards me and looked quite shocked, but still smiling of course.

"Nossa! Alguém está estudando! É ou não é?" She said.

"Sim, profe', mas não tanto assim, você é quem me insinuo." She looked at me still. With that, she smiled even more and began speaking in English and doing the stretches.

"What was she saying?" Matt asked me.

"From the beginning?"

"Yeah. "

"When she walked in she said 'Hello children, sorry for being late, let's begin shall we?!' Then I said 'Okay' and she responded with 'Wow, someone's been studying, am I right?!' And I said 'Yes, teacher, but not that much, you're the one who taught me.'" Matt smiled in shock.

"Look at you! All Portuguese speaking!" I just raised my eyebrows twice as we continued on.

----------------time skip brought to you by time lords----------------------

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