The Past

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Guess's POV

So as Matt and I played video games, me being on my PC and him on the DS, I realised something.

"All this time we've known each other we haven't actually talked about the past before this..." I pondered aloud.

"True," Matt replied half distracted by the DS.

"Ok human curiosity," I saved and closed Skyrim again and sat on the end of the bed and crossed my legs. Matt closed Mario Kart and turned to me.

"If you don't want to talk about it I understand. I'm not making you say anything. I think everyone here has their sob stories."

"I don't really have that much to hide..." he started. "I was brought up somewhere in the north until I was about 8 or 9. My parents didn't like where they were at the time and so they decided to move somewhere else. On the way to our new home, my dad stopped at a petrol station, something like that. My memory isn't great at this point. As he went to fill up the car my mum left to go do something or other. It's vague but now it becomes clearer in my mind. I was sat in the back seat watching my mum through the window. She was making silly faces at me as she began to walk back to the car. I could hear my dad laughing and I was smiling as well. Suddenly there was a loud bang. Mother froze and looked down at her chest slowly. Then her once baby blue clothes began staining in blood red and I heard my father shout her name and went running to catch her. I was motionless in the car just watching it all happen before my eyes. When she fell I saw a figure behind her holding up a gun. My father glanced up at the figure and laid my mother on the floor carefully. She'd practically died the moment she was shot. Father went running at the man tears streaming down his face until he was also stopped in his tracks with a loud bang and a bullet. Then he fell to his knees. I was crying my heart out at this point and I could see the man with the gun approaching. I did the only thing I thought I could do. I jumped from my seat and clambered onto the drivers seat. I had memorised the way my dad drove the car, so I turned on the car and slammed on the accelerator. I drove for about 30 minutes pretty well. Sobbing uncontrollably. But my dad never got to fill the car completely so the petrol ran out. I climbed out of the car to see where I was. I saw a video game store but it was shut as it was the middle of the night. So I found a staff entrance and hacked into it and stayed inside the shop until the morning. A man later walked in and saw me sitting on the floor and asked me what I was doing. I told him what happened and he called the police. I walked around the store for a while and a pair of orange lensed goggles caught me eye. The man saw and he let me have them. That is where the goggles originated from. Then at about midday, an old man walked into the store saying he came to take me to an orphanage. It was Watari. And that's how I ended up here," he finished. He didn't seem to be too upset. I guess it would wear off after a while. My parents didn't make me feel upset anymore.

"Matt, I'm sorry," I inched closer to him and wrapped my hands around my ankles, "are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm over it now. No point in grieving for the past. Nothing can change it," and he smiled his cute lock-sided smile. "So do you want to say how you got here?"

"Yeah, I remember..." I had to stop. My mind went blank. And then my vision went cloudy.

"Earth to Guess, Earth to Guess," Matt repeated. I tried my best to keep awake by standing up. I think I had the 'I'm gonna faint' look and so Matt put and arm around my shoulder and sat me down again. Then I was proper out for the count. Wonderful.

Matt's POV

Just as she was about to tell me of her past, she faints. Quite the cliffhanger. I hope she's alright, though. Her head rested against my left shoulder and I had one of my hands on her left shoulder. Her breathing became rapid and her face looked as if she was in pain so I did my best to try and wake her. Nothing worked until about 2 minutes later she woke up herself, panting.

"Guess, what happened?!" She looked at me and looked shocked.

"I remember now. What I thought happened to me was wrong. My parents never dumped me somewhere, they were killed right before my eyes. My conscious blocked out the memory and replaced it with a fake, less painful one. Why am I remembering this now?" She shook her head a little and suddenly ran around the bed to the mirror. My eyes followed her around the room and she lifted up a part of her hoodie to show her hip and waist. There was a huge scar there and this seemed to prove her theory.

"God, Guess, how'd you get that?!" I turned to face her and crossed my legs on her bed.

"On the night of my birthday, when I was 8, my dad got drunk. Really drunk. And he was the angry kind of drunk... He screamed and shouted at my mother and I as we huddled in a corner. He waved his arms about and went to the kitchen coming back with a butcher's knife... Charging at my mother, he slammed the blade into her head and she fell to the floor and died instantly... Then he charged me... I narrowly dodged his attack to kill me but still got hit on my side. Then my father killed himself... I ran from the house desperately holding my side as blood ran through my fingers and lived on the streets for a couple of days until I passed by a woman and she reported me to the police, I had been walking non-stop for 2 days so I ended up collapsing in  exhaustion and fell into a coma, I don't remember much else about that time... I was then sent to an orphanage, only to be bullied over and over again... I tried committing suicide, but as I was young I rushed into things and they caught me every time... I moved orphanages twice since then and now I am here." She slowly came to a pause while she examined her scar more carefully. "How did I never see this?!"

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about your parents." I told her.

"I guess it wore off like it did to you. I feel nothing... I feel like I should but... I can't."

"If you're feeling okay we should go to lunch. It's about 12 now; maybe some food will help you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go," she said and smiled hesitantly, obviously still pondering her memories.



Matt's backstory was completely made up by me so don't complain if it's inaccurate cus it is. If you want to use the idea go ahead and PM me the link to your book so I can see! :3


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