A Shorted Lived Happiness

234 10 17

August 3rd, 2004

Dear Diary,

So, to update you on the past few weeks, I was almost killed by Lust (that was fun) and Mello and Robin are proper going out now! I'm so happy for them really, I hope it stays like this forever, even when we leave Wammy's House.

Sorry for the long absence too, Diary, I've been... let's say preoccupied. When I say that, I mean I've fallen head over heels for Matt and can't seem to concentrate a lot of the time. He's here whilst I'm writing this so I can think xD

But back to the commotion. I haven't told Matt yet - it would just worry him - about when Lust attacked me back in July. She said she'd be back, and I was wary for the first couple of weeks but I only get her evil looks from across the room these days; which I'm used to but still... Why hasn't she come back yet? And what I also ponder on is how I survived that night...

Kensou's POV

I was watching over Guess's shoulder whilst Mai- I mean Matt, was distracted by his game. It was me that took over her body, she's not meant to die yet, I can't allow it. I may seem like any other Shinigami but I have a care for human life. I have only ever written suffering individuals names in the Death Note, I don't want to see people suffer. That's also why I haven't told Robin about her brother's death. He died early this year, 21st of January. I was meant to take over Yur- I mean Guess's body anyway. Otherwise, I would have died and the death date above her head would be different. I wasn't actually going kill Lust either. I was waking Guess up and luckily I did just in time because I  had no control whilst I was which therefore made her almost murder another individual, it wouldn't even be her fault...

"Kensou." I turned to see another Shinigami. I recognised him, he was the Shinigami King's messenger. Matt and Guess couldn't see him so I left through the wall to speak to him. We hovered over Wammy's House and began to talk.

"The King has a message?" I asked.

"Yes, he asks- no, he commands; he commands you to leave the presence of these children, the risk you bring to them is too great, also, you must take Robin with you. They must not know what happens. He will kill you otherwise because you would be expanding their lifespan."

"They don't know! Nor will they, and I can see Robin smile for the first time in so long. I don't want to end her happiness, it's been so short lived, I beg of you."

"It's the King's commands and within reason, it is not of my authority to stop it." I had no choice.

"For how much longer can she stay?"

"The King demands you be gone by the 20th September this year. He likes Robin and understands but we cannot damage the future of innocents due to the liking of one special human. We may be Gods of Death but it is in our command to make sure we don't change the future of humans too drastically, more than we already are."

"Tell his Highness I said thank you, send him my and Robin's regards."

"One more thing... It's time to let Robin be reunited with her brother. Beyond Birthday as we suspected has become a Shinigami as well, he cannot leave the King's presence until he and Robin will be reunited for fear that he may tell Robin everything. Take this," He handed me a small black stone. It was a  smooth and shiny and seemed like a pebble you'd find on the beach. "It is a stone to us but will become liquid when it touches a human. So that he does not have to die, she must hold this tight in her hand and it will sink into her skin. The process must be unseen but she shall get dark black wings like her brother and her eyes will become black, the bond between you will be broken. That is all."  With that, he flew away. I would wait until the night of the 19th to tell her. Then just before dawn, we shall part for the barren land of the Shinigami.


Noooo Robin! Just to let you know, if I haven't mentioned this already; Guess's birthday is on the 19th of September. Yeah... So what do you think of the abrupt leaving of Robin? Do you like it or not? Will you miss her... or nah?

List of commenters today I think the biggest yet!


Thanks, guys! I love to hear your feedback so let me know your opinions on Robin. I'll see you in the next one!


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