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Stacy's POV

I just ran back to my home. I want all this to be a secret. I don't want anyone to know all these. What should I say to my mom? This was the biggest question in my mind now.

M: Hey darling! Are you okay?

I didn't even realize that I entered my home. I was jolted back to reality after listening her voice.

S: Uh? Yeah hi ! I'm fine mom.

I said trying to smile.

M: Ok great.

S: Mom I need to tell you something..

M: Yeah what is it?

S: Its about Josh.

M: Oh .. What about him?

S: Mom he's my boyfriend..

M: Yeah I know it..

S: How?

M: You talk to him all day and how can I not know?

S: Oh.. What is your opinion on him?

M: He is a really sweet guy and you are lucky to get him.

S: Okay.

M: What do you wanted to talk?

S: He just told me to move in with him..

M: Are you sure Stacy?

She asked concerned..

S: Yeah mom.

I lied.

M: I guess you both are small for it..

S: No mom! We are just moving in! Nothing will be in between us!


She said laughing..

M: I don't have any problem with it..

S: Mom, but there is a problem..

M: What is it?

S: We are going to London.

M: What!? But why?

S: uhm..his dad has his company out there so he will have a job. I will also find one for myself.

I've tried my best to lie! I think it will work out!

M: But do you believe in him Stacy?

S: Yes mom.

M: If you are ok with it I'm fine..

S: Okay.

M: When are you gonna go?

S: Next week.

M: Okay.

Omg! I finally lied! The biggest lie of my life!

After 1 London.

We entered our house.It was a flat.

J: Did you like the house?

I didn't reply. Is there any need of it? I'm staying with the person I hate, does the house matter?

J: Oh my little tiger got angry huh?

He said coming near me. I didn't move from my position. I didn't want him to know that I'm afraid of him.

J: Why are you so scared?

S: I'm not scared of you!

J: Okay! Cool!

Part Of Me ( Zayn Malik FF )..☺ ✴COMPLETED✴Where stories live. Discover now