Jealous Bestfriend.

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Zayn's POV

Next day..
In the school..

I took my books and sat in the class waiting for Stace. She went to the washroom. Even I thought to go somewhere cuz I am bored. I left the room and started roaming in the corridors..
After 10minutes I went back to the class.. I was amazed actually shocked because Josh was sitting in my place beside Stacy! How dare he sits in my place?! Dickhead! I just walked towards my seat seriously..
Z: Josh! Its my seat!
I said trying to cool down..
S: Zayn, can you sit in Josh's place for today?
She said requesting me. I just don't know what to do now! I'm so angry! I wanted to say 'No' but.. Stace likes him and she is requesting me so much! I just can't deny her!
Z: Okay!
I just shouted on her and left from there by taking my books. I sat diagonal to them in the front rows.
It was our history class and its boring and annoying as f***! I just ignored the professor! I opened my notes and wrote 'JOSH' and cut that f****** name hundreds of times! I'm gonna cry now.. Why did he come into my life?! I felt tears in my eyes.. I just controlled myself from crying and embarrassing myself! I wrote his name a number of times and CUT it hundreds of times!!

I feel satisfied by cutting his name! I just consoled myself that Stacy will not leave me for him! I turned back and saw that they both were talking

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I feel satisfied by cutting his name! I just consoled myself that Stacy will not leave me for him! I turned back and saw that they both were talking..and Stace was smiling! He was coming near her! What does he wanna do to her! F***** ! I just ignored them and continued striking his name! My mood was getting better with this method! I kept ignoring them!

Its the break time! Finally a time to talk to Stacy! I was contented! I took my books and before I could call Stace, she left with Josh! Stacy are you f****** joking?!! Did you leave me??!! Go f*** yourself! I walked towards the canteen and took a sandwich to eat! She just pissed me off! What does she wanna prove?!She just cant leave her best friend for someone else! They both came and sat opposite me on the other table! She saw me but she just gave a 'sorry' look to me! I just turned my face away! She rolled her eyes! F*** Stacy don't roll your eyes! I was eating the sandwich as I was eating it after so many years! I was so fast! Just then Sophie came towards me..

(So: is Sophie)
So: Hi Zayn..
Z: Hello.
So: Are you okay?
She asked concerned.
Z: Yeah I'm fine!
I gave her a assuring me..
So: okay great.
She smiled..
Z: Do you wanna eat anything?
So: Yeah sure..
I brought her the sandwich which Stace eats..
Stacy saw me giving it to her and she gave a look which I couldn't understand. I just sat in my chair..
So: Thank you Zayn..
I smiled back.
So: Can I ask you something?
Z: Yeah..
So: Since when Stacy and you are in relation?
Z: Sorry but I need to go now..
So: But Zayn..
Z: I'm so sorry..I'll talk to you later..
So: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt youuu..
Z: you didn't hurt me Sophie! I'm sorry! Bye!
So: Bye..
She said sadly..
I just walked away from there and went back home! I had classes to attend but I left home! I can't handle it anymore!

Stacy's POV

I saw Zayn walk away from the canteen angrily! What had gotten into him? Why is he doing this?

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I saw Zayn walk away from the canteen angrily! What had gotten into him? Why is he doing this?

I left to the class and saw that zayn was not there! Even his bag was missing! I found a book on his desk. I opened it! I was shocked at seeing that! He has scribbled terribly but why? I saw that it was Josh's name! Oh my God! I think he's mad at me now! I need to meet him! But where is he? I searched the whole school! I ignored Josh for the whole day! I was literally crying cuz I hurted Zayn! I just waited for the school to finish so that I could go to Zayn! Maybe he went back home..

After 2 hours..(After school)

J: Can you come with me?
S: No Josh.. I need to go now!

J: Okay cool! I'll meet you on Monday..
S: Okay bye!
I dumped all my books in the locker and rushed home! I was exhausted till I reached.. I entered Zayn's home..
S: Zayn..??
(T: Trisha., zayn's mom)
T: Hey Stacey!
S: Hi .. Is zayn there?
T: Yeah he is in his room..
I was walking towards his room..
T: But he said not to allow anyone into his room..
S: Its not a problem I'll manage Zayn..
T: Okay darling! Your wish! He's really mad now! I don't know why!
Omg! I'm dead!
S: I'll take care of him! Don't worry!
T: Okay.
She left. I was praying to God! God!!! Please save me! I was wrong and I accept it! Please save me!
I went to the door of his room and I knocked it. He didn't answer. I called out his name. No answer. I just opened the door and I was shocked. All his room was a mess! Everything was scattered ! All the books , his clothes, and everything! I was shocked by seeing the turn of events.. Zayn never acted like this! I searched for him in his room and I saw that he was sleeping. I went near him and saw his face.. Omg! He cried!?? The tears were dried on his cheeks! I really made a big mistake! I don't know what to do now! I just started to clean his room! Tears were welling up in my eyes.. Shame on me! What the hell did I do! Crap!
I want him to wake up but I decided not to disturb him. I wiped away the tears on his cheeks and gave a kiss on his cheek.
S: I'm so sorry Zayn..
I whispered..
I know that he is asleep but also I just wanted to apologize to him..
I left his room..
Tomorrow is Sunday so I'll have a lot of time to apologize to him! Hope that he will forgive me..


Part Of Me ( Zayn Malik FF )..☺ ✴COMPLETED✴Where stories live. Discover now