I Love You Idiot!

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Stacy's POV

I was shocked! I opened the cupboard using the key which he gave me. The cupboard was beautifully decorated and it had pictures of us both. It was really really amazing! There were some gifts covered in colorful wrappers! It was cool! I found a letter. I opened it..
(A.N- The words in italics is the letter)

Stacy, I know you are in love with someone else but I just want to confess my love to you cuz I fear that I may lose you.
See the thing is, no matter how much I cry, I know you would never come back in my life. You are my only love and I can sacrifice myself - my body, my soul, my heart and my everything for you.
Don't ever think that no one loves you because I'm always there for you. If ever I was running, I was running towards you. You are the only one I want.

I was struck with confusion! If he loved me so much why didn't he tell me!? He's just an idiot! I continued reading the letter.

Whenever I see you with a guy, I fear and I get jealous cuz I think he's gonna make you more happy than I do. For everyone,you maybe a normal person in this whole world but for me you are my world. The world around us vanishes when I'm with you. Don't forget that even if I'm far from you, I'm always with you in your every step, you are engraved in my heart and I can never ever forget you. You lighten up every second of my life and I wish that you can be with me forever..

Part Of Me ( Zayn Malik FF )..☺ ✴COMPLETED✴Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz