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Stacy's POV

At the canteen...

Its our break time and I'm having my bestie time with Zayn and Lilly. Zayn sat opposite to me and I just realized how cute Zayn is!
He was eating.. He is really cute and I find it surprising that I didn't notice it since 13 years..haww! I smiled by seeing him.. Just then he lifted his head and caught me staring at him..
Z: Why are you staring at me?
S: I'm just surprised of how cute you are..
He smiled and I guess blushed..
S: Don't blush Mr.Adorable..
I said smiling..
Z: I'm not..
He said hiding his blush..
(L: is Lilly)
L: Guys! Stop your flirting..
S: Okay..
I said laughing..
Just then I saw a guy just behind Zayn on the other table.
I was staring at him..
Z: Don't stare me!..
He said smiling..
S: I'm not staring you dumbhead..
I said smiling..
Zayn turned around and saw that guy..
Z: What is with him?
S: He's really hot!
L: Yeah he is..
Z: I don't think so..
S: Don't be jealous Zayn..
Lilly and i said laughing.
Z: I'm not..
He said with a smirk..

S: Boo go talk to him..
Z: No! Ill not..
L: I'll do it for worries!
She said while getting up from the chair..
S: Nooo..
Before I could say something she went towards that guy! She is talking something..Oh My God!

Josh's POV..

(J: is Josh)

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(J: is Josh)

I'm just having my food..alone! New guy at school and its really awkward being alone..I think I need to make friends! Ahh! I just concentrated on my food.
Suddenly a girl..a rather beautiful girl came in front of me.
L: Hi.
J: Hello..
She smiled. I smiled back.
L: Can I sit here with you?
J: Yeah sure..
I said smiling..
L: I'm Lilly.
J: I'm Josh and nice to meet you..
She smiled..
L: New admission?
J: Yeah!
L: Hm.
L: I need a help.
J: Yes?
L: Do you see that girl behind me?
J: Yeah! She's beautiful.
I said smiling..
L: Actually she has a crush on you..
J: Oh really?
I asked surprised..
L: Yeah a small one. Cuz she saw you just now..
She said laughing..
J: Okay what now? Do you want me to talk to her?
L: Absolutely!
She said excitedly..
J: Sure!
L: Let's go..
We went towards her..

Zayn's POV

S: Oh My God! They are coming here! I'm gonna stab Lilly now!
She just told this really fast..
S: What am I gonna do?
Z: What happened to you?
S: I'm in a first stage of becoming crazy!
She said without a expression on her face..
Z: Really?
I asked sarcastically..
Just then that guy..THE HOT GUY came!
L: Hm guys! Meet Josh.
J: Hey!
S: Hi..
Z: Hello..
L: Stacy..he's new at school..
Stacy tried to smile while hiding the fear..
S: Its good..
Josh was finding a chair to sit.. I DON'T want him to sit beside Stacy!
Z: Josh. Take this! I'll get another one..
J: Thank you..
I took another chair and sat beside Stacy. We talked for sometime.
J: Guys..I think I need to go now! I'll meet you later..
Z: Okay..
I was happy that he was leaving..
S: Bye..
Stacy was SHY?!!! WHAT?!
L: Bye..
He left..
S: Oh my god! Why did you do that Lilly?
L: Helping you..
She said smiling..
S: You just gave me a heart attack!
Lilly laughed.
L: Ok ok I'm sorry!
S: Okay!
L: Zayn? Why are you seeing us like a lost puppy?
She said laughing..
Z: I'm just shocked by seeing Stacy!
S: Why?
Z: You were acting weird!
I said still confused..
S: Did I look like a joker?
She asked confused..
L: No you were fine.. It happens Stacy!
Z: What happens?
L: Talking first time with a crush is always weird..
Z: Is he your crush?
I asked Lilly..
L: Noo! Its Stacy's..
Z: What?!
Stacy was blushing! What! ???
L: Why are you so confused Zayn?
Z: Nah! Nothing!
L: Okay.. Stacy please stop blushing darling..
Lilly said laughing. I was still like a lost puppy.
S: Okay let's go..!
She shouted just to hide her blush I guess! Why does she blush when she sees him? Is she really SHY? No it can't be! Stacy is never shy! I just saw her shy once when we were 10. I saw her baby pics and she was almost bare.. She was really shy at that time. But why is she shy now?!! Is he really her crush? Noo! I want her to be mine! No Zayn its just a crush! She can't be his! She is only yours! I just consoled myself!

 But why is she shy now?!! Is he really her crush? Noo! I want her to be mine! No Zayn its just a crush! She can't be his! She is only yours! I just consoled myself!

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We went to our class..and I saw Josh! What!?! Are you serious?! Josh is in our class? No! Crap! Noo! Why is this happening to me?
Stacy and I sat in our seats, beside each other.. Stacy is SHY AGAIN! Hey you Stacy! Don't get shy when you see him! I'll get jealous gurl! I wish I could say this to her! I'm lucky cuz we are at the last bench and I'm happy that he cannot stare her..

Z: Stace? Why do you feel shy when you see him?
S: What? I'm not shy okay?
Z: You are!
I said seriously..
S: No I'm not!
She said smiling! WHAT! BLUSHING AGAIN!!!???
If she blushes again I'm gonna hit her! No I can't! How can I hit Stacy? Never!
We were hearing the class and I was in my dreamland! Suddenly..
S: Oh My God!
She whispered..
Z: What happened?
S: Josh..
I saw towards him and he was seeing Stace! I'm gonna kill him now! Stacy is AGAIN BLUSHING! I wanna hang myself now! Godddd!! This is really AWKWARD!!! Why doesn't she feel insecure? At least it can help me!
The day finished and Stacy and I went to our lockers. Thank god she stopped blushing! We had our lockers beside each other just like our seats. I placed my books and I saw Stace was talking with Josh! This guy really makes me jealous! I saw her and she was smiling.. I took her books and placed in her locker. I smiled at Josh! Actually I wanna hit him! I'm just trying to control myself!
Z: Sweetie! I think we need to go now..
I intentionally called her as 'sweetie' so that he can get jealous..
S: Okay Zayn..
J: Can I get your phone number?
I wanna kill you Josh! Why do you want her phone number? You already disturbed her! If you take her away from me I'm just gonna kill you! Beware of me! You idiot!
She gave him her number! Why does she give?
Z: Let's go?
S: Okay. Bye Josh!
J: Bye! I'll call you sweetie!
Why did he call her with that name?! Badass! Its the name which 'I' gave to her!
Z: Tell him not to call you as 'Sweetie'!
S: Why? Its really sweet!
She said with her BLUSH!
Z: Just stop blushing!
S: I'm not blushing! Whatever!
I just hit her on her arm and it was a reflex action! I didn't want to hit her!
She hit me back on my arm..
S: I'm sorry..
I didn't reply..

: Really I'm sorry! I'll tell him not to call me 'sweetie' ok?
Z: Okay.
S: My boo smile now please..
Z: Okay?
I said giving her a smile..
S: Some more?
I was silent..
She started tickling me..
Z: Hahaha...
S: Good!
She said laughing..
We walked back to her homes..

This chapter is really adorable! Isn't it?😍

Part Of Me ( Zayn Malik FF )..☺ ✴COMPLETED✴Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt