"But then... why did they keep us at the station?" I asked slowly. I felt my fist clench as a smirk pulled over his lips.

"Well, we all agreed we found it amusing seeing you freak out. Steve let us go because he thought you had had 'enough tormenting'." He laughed.

"You fucking piece of shit!" I shoved him, which only resulted in him laughing more.

He laughed as he grabbed my wrist again but I twisted them out of his grip and shoved him again before I walked to the kitchen needing to get away from him; unfortunately the laughing asshole followed me.

"I want... pancakes." He said. I wanted to yell at him to get lost or make his own but I wasn't really in for more shouting.

"Pancakes..." I said pulling the flour from the cupboard. I noticed someone had not put the eggs away this morning.

Mmm... well... payback.

"Can you make blueberry sauce? I can't... Kent usually does. Can you?" He asked from behind me as I cracked the eggs into a bowl. What doesn't Kent do for him? Sell drugs. Yup, I do that. I got the crappy job. I hope that doesn't continue into my future...

"Yeah, sure." I replied absentmindedly as I opened the flour.

"Why are you suddenly so fine with making food for me?" He sounded suspicious.

"Oh, I'm not -" I turned around about to chuck the eggs at him but he grabbed my wrist shoving it slightly to the side as he dodged the mess before and slid behind me after it fell onto the floor.

He chuckled leaning his head over my shoulder and taking the bowl from my hands. "Nice try, Alexander." I shivered as his breath brushed my ear before he kissed my jaw just bellow it lightly. I tensed for a second. Did he really just...?

"I hate you." I muttered turning to face him. He chuckled reaching out and pulling my glasses from my face to put them on the counter beside him. I clenched my jaw as he smiled.

"Sure you do," as he finished his words, he pushed his lips to mine. I shoved him from me; he didn't seem to be expecting it and bumped against the cupboard behind him.

"Just so we're clear: I fucking hate you, Sergio." I said venomously. I just felt the need to be completely clear about that. He nodded quickly.

"Uh huh, I got it; you hate me. We're clear." He said before he stepped forward and grabbed the hem of my shirt to pull my shirt over my head.

His eyes traced over my chest before the lusty, fiery pair met mine. I knew I would regret what I was about to do but I needed an outlet. And this... well, it had presented itself. So I pushed the loud warnings from my mind and let my frustration and lust take over.

I grabbed his collar before shoving him against the cupboard hard; he let out a gasp as my lips met his roughly. I felt him smirk against my lips before he turned us around and pushed me against the cupboard. I winced a little and he muttered a 'sorry' remembering that I still had stitches and bruises. I just shrugged it off tilting my head to deepen our kiss.

I grabbed his hair as our tongues fought for dominance. His hands trailed down my bare chest before he circled my waist and grabbed my ass making me gasp into his mouth. My hands dropped from his hair and I grabbed his shirt. He lifted his arms as I lifted it off him and threw it on the floor somewhere. I only had seconds to stare at his toned, tattoo covered chest before he brought his lips back to mine and I kissed him with a renewed amount of lust as my hands ran over his hard, defined abdomen.

I let out another breathless gasp as he grabbed my hair and tugged my head back so my chin was up and he could reach my neck while his other hand held my waist. He began trailing kisses over it before he went up to my jaw and then my ear. I gripped his shoulders and he groaned against my skin as his teeth met my earlobe temporarily before he trailed kisses back down my neck and onto my collar. I felt him bite a spot on my neck and pretty much went weak against him. He seemed to like the reaction because he stayed on that spot for a few seconds before I managed to gather enough energy through my ecstasy to shove him towards the door.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me with him into the hall before he pushed me against the wall, I ended up bumping the table beside me and a vase of flowers went smashing onto the floor, we completely ignored it as we kissed. I let him into my mouth instead of fighting this time and enjoyed the feeling of his tongue exploring my mouth.

I felt him tug at my belt but I grabbed his hands. He groaned into my mouth.

"Upstairs," I said breathlessly breaking the kiss before I kissed his jaw.

He just nodded before lifting my face back to his and kissing me again. I gave a laugh pushing him towards the stairs and he began to chuckle tugging me along.

We managed to make it up to the second floor despite constant tripping and stumbling as neither of us seemed to want to create any space between us making it hard to move. He shoved me against the door and I felt his hand reach behind me but lifted my hand onto his as it circled the doorknob and he broke away from me, his brows raising questioningly. I shook my head feeling his hot, quick breathing brush against my face.

"Going in there is going to make me come to my senses," I muttered brushing my lips against his swollen, pink lips. It would bring me back to the reality of our situation and I wanted to continue pretending to be oblivious for the time being.

"Mm, wouldn't want that." His arm circled my waist to tug me towards his room.

Once inside, he pushed me causing me to fall onto his bed and I quickly began undoing my pants as he did the same. Just that moment of separation was enough to make me hate the effort it took to take clothing off as I reached out to grab his shoulders and tugged him down onto me where my lips immediately met his again. I didn't really care about seeming too eager and Sergio's lips tilted up into a smirk against my own.

"Shut up," my mutter made him chuckle into our kiss as he nodded.


Hi! I've published The Lord's Favourite Dealer (Author: Amethyst Slade) in paperback and ebook available on Smashwords, Apple Books, Kobo and Barnes & Nobel. It has been edited and contains more on Chapter 12 (18+) Please download it (for free) and leave a review if you enjoy reading this :D

Thank you for reading! :D

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