Chapter 13 - The talk

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So sorry for the long wait! I've been struggling to find a spare minute to sleep, let alone write.

The endless support from you guys is honestly heart warming and I feel so privileged  to have you all reading this story; you're all amazing!

If anyone has any questions for me, just drop a comment and I'll try and respond ASAP!

Votes and Comments are always appreciated! Enjoy!!!!


I wasn't surprised to find myself walking along the beach with Seth by my side, stuck in an eery silence.

"So, what's up?" I asked, pretending last night had never happened. Seth's head whipped around to look at me in bewilderment as his eyes processed my face.

"We should talk about last night?" He whispered, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"What is there to talk about? I'm back aren't I?" I said, shrugging.

I heard Seth sigh as his face contorted in concentration. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before taking a deep breath.

"Why'd you pull away?" He asked, not meeting my eyes. I cringed, knowing that this question was inevitably going to be asked. How do you answer a question like that?

"It didn't feel right," I settled on. "I barely know you and I don't go around kissing strangers."

"You're making excuses," he laughed. "You know a lot about me, Lillian."

He had me there but I wasn't going to conform to his truthfulness. I shrugged, looking out at the ocean, feeling some comfort in the waves.

"Some things happen for a reason, whether we like it or not. It's what we do with those decisions that help us to decipher who we are," I whispered. "That's what my Grandpa always used to say, anyway."

I couldn't help but go silent at my own words. Fate has a cruel way of biting us in the butt but sometimes good things come out of it.

"Why don't we just pretend it never happened," Seth suggested, looking at his feet shuffling in the sand.

"So, tell me about your imprint then," I said, changing the subject. Truth be told, I didn't want to forget the way that I felt when Seth had his hands on my waist. The intensity of his eyes staring into mine and the urge to close the distance between our lips. I couldn't help feeling deeply for someone who I had only know a short amount of time. Someone who was destined to be with someone else. Love sucks.

"We should probably head back," Seth responded, beginning to walk back.

My phone blaring interrupted our silence.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Lillian, Alice had a vision about the vampire," Renesme said in haste.

The phone was suddenly plucked from my hand as Seth spoke rapidly to Renesme. Within a minute, Seth ended the call and began to drag me back to Sam's by my hand. I knew better than to ask before the whole pack were present.

As we approached Sam's house, Seth slowed his pace and allowed me to walk behind him oppose to being dragged behind his large figure. Stepping through the threshold, it became apparent that all the werewolves were seated around the table waiting for us to arrive.

"That bloodsucker wants to have her as a mate," Seth growled. "He's the one that killed her grandparents to get her here," he finished.

Although my grandparents were a sensitive topic for me, it was refreshing to know the reason behind the mysterious stalker. Everyone's eyes fell on me to watch my reaction.

"I'm not interested in vampires," I shrugged. Embry snorted in laughter as Seth shook beside me. I turned to Seth, firmly placing my hand on his chest, "calm down."

His body stopped shaking as he took a deep breath. "What do we do?" He asked, taking my hand in his firm grip.

"Protect her. She's part of our pack now." Sam stayed firmly.

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