14;The Pentagon

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I do not own "DC's Legends Of Tomorrow" it belongs to me DC Entertainment, I own my characters and their plots.

Chapter fourteen\\ - The Pentagon.

Rip and Sara had been taking as hostage and now half of Firestorm, two criminals and the strawberry blonde girl, had made it fancy building that Vandal Savage was keeping Carters body.

Mick and Leonard used their guns' and their muscles' to make a clean path for Jeff and Daisy. Daisy opened the large white doors and the room in front of them had red lightning, many people was standing close to the walls. Vandal Savage and his closes men in the middle and Rip and Sara sitting on their knees.

-"Let's get this party started!" Mick screamed and fired his gun.

-"Here's our invitation!" Leonard commented and also fired his ice cold gun.

Daisy pulled out her metal arnis' and the war had began. The immortal girl had seen war and she loved every minute of it, the battle had just began.

The strawberry blonde girl made her way to Rip who was tied up, -"Why do I always have to clean up other people's messes?" The strawberry blonde girl mumbled as she helped Rip and he started to fire his laser gun.

Daisy broke more bones on other people, than the all the letters in the alphabet.

In other words, she kicked ass.

-"Enough!" Vandal Savage screamed and fired some type of blue electricity, everyone and including Savage's men covered to save themselves to escape the blue flash.

-"Daisy, make sure they get Carter's body out of here." Rip screamed to Daisy who nodded her head, now the tables had turn and she had go make a clear path to Mick and Jeff who was carrying Carters body.


Everyone was safety back on Rip's waverider, Leonard was standing around the meta table trying to get information about his father and if he had changed his future for the better or worse.

Daisy walked in to the room along side Jeff, -"He'll be sentenced o five years in Iron Heights. Despite your intervention, his future remains unchanged." Gideon said and Leonard looked angry.

-"Hey, you tried to save him. That's got to count for something." Jeff said.

-"Turns out it doesn't." Leonard said.

-"Leo—" Daisy said but she was cut off by Sara walking into the room. -"Come on."

-"Where are we going now?" Daisy asked and turned towards Sara.

-"To say good-bye."


Kendra and Rip had found beautiful place where they could give Carter a final resting place. Kendra was in tears and Rip started talking, -"The other day, I tried to find some words of inspiration. Words that would restore hope o us in the wake of our losses, but it is all of you who have inspired me. Beginning with Professor Boardman and then with Carter, heir heroism is... an inspiration to us all. And a reminder hat one person acting alone can't save the world."

Everyone walked silently away, this had been hard. A hard hit for this team and even harder for Kendra.


Everyone except Rip was in the large room and ready to take off, now, Rip came rushing in,  -"Gideon, ready us for take off."

-"Whoa, are we being chased or something?" Jeff asked Rip Hunter.

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