"That is something I wish to speak of another time." He pulled his slacks up a bit before sitting down. "Let's talk of you and that eye candy shall we?"

"Don't." I looked at him sharply. He laughed loud and bright. "His name is Louis and he is mine. Don't try to steal him from me."

"Me? Oh I'd do no such thing." Hayden spoke innocently. I rolled my eyes and sat across from him. "How long have you two been together?"

"A few months. Are you seeing anyone?"

"Not at the moment now. I was engaged but again. That's a story for another time. I can't stay long," he dug into the pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a card. He held it out for me. "Here's my basic contact information. Do keep in touch. I'd like to have dinner with you and your Louis," He chuckled. "sometime this week." I nodded and took the card.

We both stood and I walked him back to the door. "Hayden," I mumbled. "It's nice knowing you're not dead. I will email you tomorrow." He nodded as he stepped back outside but turned to me.

"Do think about helping dad will you?"

"Bye Hayden." I spoke, without giving him an answer about Desmond. Hayden nodded his head and walked out to a sleek black car, getting in the back seat.

I closed the door and leaned against it. I sighed heavily.


"Happy Birthday dear Harold and Hayden! Harry birthday to you!" Everyone cheered as they finished singing Happy Birthday to Harry and Hayden. Harry smiled as he stared at the big white cake in front of him, the number 8 sticking in it.

"Make a wish boys." Desmond spoke, his hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry and Hayden held hands as they leaned forward and closed their eyes both wishing for the same thing. "We wish for the new power rangers toy set." They whispered quietly before blowing out their candle.

Anne, their mother, took photos as Desmond began cutting the cake for everyone. There was only a few people there. A few of Hayden's friends from school and some neighborhood kids that talked to Harry.

Everyone sat around and ate cake, talking quietly among themselves before Anne called it a night. It was almost 9 pm and it was a Wednesday, meaning the twins had school in the morning. All the children groaned but still each went up to the twins to say goodbye while their parents wrapped up left overs and helped cleaned a little.

In less than an hour the house was empty of their guests, Harry and Hayden were in the bath. Hayden was getting out when their father walked in. He smiled at his oldest, Hayden by 17 minutes and ruffled his wet hair.

"Heading to bed?" Desmond asked. Hayden nodded as he yawned and left the bathroom in a towel. Desmond got on his knees and chuckling as his youngest tried to wash him back.

"Would you like some help?" Desmond teased. Harry blushed embarrassed and nodded, handing the wash cloth to his father and turning around.

"Please help me daddy." Harry asked quietly. Desmond nibbled on his bottom lip and looked at his sons smooth skin.

"Stand up." Harry stood up without question and waited for his father to wash his back. Desmond slowly ran the cloth down Harry's back all the way down to his calf.

"You're so beautiful Harry. Don't let anyone tell you different." 8-year old Harry smiled and looked back at his father.

"Thank you daddy." He giggled. Desmond smiled.

"Hey, what do you say we play a game before bed?" Harry turned to look at his father wide eyed and nodded his head eagerly.

That night was the last time Harry spoke to his father. That was the last time Harry smiled for a long time. His father ruined his childhood. Harry just wanted to play a game with his father. He didn't want his father's fingers on his bum. He didn't want his mum to walk in on them. He didn't want his father to leave.

He didn't want to ruin his family.


A/N Sorry this is late. I also apologize for any mistakes. So far these past two weekends have been trash. Both weekends I was sick and it seems this week my allergies will be all over the place. Sigh. Weirdly enough, I think I'm going to end this book soon and have a sequel. Not sure yet.

Shameless Promo.
Follow me on instagram, I'm larry af 😂 @ theirbullsht
And check out my other stories. Mainly Zarry.

edit 2022if this is your first time reading, ignore this note.

if you're reading this and you already read this book and saw an update, I changed a little bit about Harry's backstory, I've got something in the works and that's all I'll say for now. 

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