Yandere!David Jehoahaz Abraham (Magi) -Servant Girl

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Reaching out a shaking hand, I snatched up the flower and tossed it out the window, not wanting to keep it anywhere near me. I didn't want my stalker to think I accepted their "affections" when I didn't even know who they were.

It didn't help that I woke up the following morning with that same flower sitting in a jar on the nightstand beside me. I also doubt that my scream was how anyone else wanted to be woken up.


With each passing week, the mystery stalker grew more bold, allowing me to catch vague glimpses of him as he vanished through doorways or around corners. Cloth always covered him from head to toe, hiding him from view, allowing me only to make out his masculine figure. I had been so shocked the first time I saw him, thinking some kind of spirit had appeared in the room, that I had dropped the bowl I was dusting and shattered it on the floor.

I'm still not sure how I kept my job at this point, having broken so many expensive items before realizing it was my "admirer" who haunted me and not some vengeful spirit.


I didn't even bother trying to hide my shaking hands as I was brought into the large room, feeling so many hidden eyes on me that I wondered how that many people managed to hide in a room where all I could see were pillars and white walls. Surely there was not that much space behind the pillars.

The laughter that rang out from the other side of the room brought me back to why I was here, not that I really understood why someone so important wanted to see a servant so low in rank as I was. Even if I had upset him somehow, I don't understand why he would want to see me instead of pass it off to someone else to have me punished.

Worry filling me, I stepped forward a little more before dropping to my knees before him, ready to beg forgiveness of the one who ruled over everyone. It didn't matter what title he went by, he might as well be called King for the power David held over everyone here.

Just as I opened my mouth, I heard his voice fill my ears, commanding the hidden watchers to leave us alone with little more than a word and wave of one hand. In the quiet that followed, I could only bite my lip and keep silent as I awaited whatever he had planned for me that required no witness to his deed.

"You need not worry, I did not call you here for punishment (y/n), so stop biting your lip so harshly. Such tender flesh does not deserve to be treated so cruelly." I barely hid the flinch when I felt his fingers on my chin, bringing my face up to meet his gaze.

I shivered at the dark look in his eyes, something burning in their depths that filled me with a fear that had nothing to do with punishments. It was akin to the fear one would feel when looking into the eyes of death. This man, David, I knew at that moment he would be the death of me.

The only thing I didn't know, was how long I had left.


I tried to escape him, quitting my job as a servant, even though I needed the money. All the riches in the world wouldn't do me any good if I was dead, even I knew that much. So I quit and took off in hopes of finding a place he wouldn't find me, traveling through forests to stay off the roadways where people were more likely to spot me and return me to him.

I cried myself to sleep the first night I saw the familiar figure, his figure, standing in the treeline watching me.


I was almost to the border of the lands he controlled, almost free of his haunting presence, but I knew better than to believe he would let me take the final steps to escape him. Even so, I refused to give up and turn back without trying. With each trembling footstep, I fought the exhaustion that made every movement a struggle, ignoring the man who sat nearby on a silk pillow.

Harder to ignore was the lavish meal he had spread beside him, the smell of steamed vegetables, fresh fruit and sliced meats filling my nose. It had been days since I'd had anything other than water, refusing to eat the meals he left for me in the mornings. I raised a hand to my stomach as it let me know of its continued emptiness with a growl of complaint.

I took a few more steps before my legs gave out on me, tears running down my face as I heard him get up and walk over to where I lay. By this point, I could no longer be sure if they were tears of regret that I hadn't escaped him or tears of relief that I wouldn't have to fight any longer. I'd grown so weary of trying to escape after so many weeks of trying.

Feeling gentle hands touch my shoulder, I shifted to my side so I could look up at the man who had followed me so easily, wondering why he hadn't just stopped me like we both knew he could have. Why had he allowed me to get so far, to run for so long? Before I could even ask the questions aloud, he gave me the answer.

"I let you run so you could realize you would never escape me. Even if you had made it past the boarder, I would have followed you. I need you too much to let you go, but I wanted you to realize for yourself how futile it was to try." I shivered as his words wove themselves deep into my mind, chilling me from the inside, even as the sun beat down on me.

"Why?" The single word forced itself out of my parched throat, my tears finally running dry as I looked up at him, seeing the sinister smile that ruined his otherwise handsome features.

"Because now I won't have to worry about you ever trying again, (y/n). If the thought even enters your mind after today, you will remember this attempt and the desire will shrivel up like the foolish notion that it is. You'll never escape my love for you." Standing up, he reached down and lifted me into his arms, carrying me over to the food covered blanket he'd been sitting next to earlier.

The smell of the meal hit me almost like a physical blow, any desire to resist him fading with each mouth watering scent that reached my nose. I realized how true his words were. No matter how much I might want to struggle, it would be useless against someone like him.

"Now let's eat. I'm sure you are hungry and the meal is enjoyable enough. Besides, you'll need your strength back for later. You've kept me waiting for some time and I've exhausted all my patience letting you run for so long." His words were spoken softly, but even the most gentle voice couldn't stop the fear that curled up inside of me and made itself at home.

Even as I ate what was likely the first of many lavish meals to come, any enjoyment I might have had was shattered with the promise he wove into those words.


Even as his son turned against him, when his corruption grew to never before seen heights and people joined in the fight against him, David refused to let me go. I had become the one constant in his life, the one person he knew wouldn't turn from him. He'd trained me too well in the years he'd kept me captive in my hidden room.

He'd secreted me away from the world, making sure only he knew where I was. I had become a treasure to him in his madness, something he refused to share anyone. Even his son didn't know about me.


Hearing the hidden door slide open, I looked up into his eyes, his dark hair framing his face as he walked into my prison of a room.

"Ahh, (y/n) my love. Did you miss me? I missed you." His hand reached out, caressing my cheek softly as he gazed into my eyes.

I sat there quietly, knowing that no matter what I said, he would simply do as he pleased anyhow. I had long ago given up pleading for release from my captivity. All I could do was wait for the one escape still available to me.

"I learned how to cheat death, (y/n) darling. Now I can be with you forever. Well, until you die. But then all I have to do is wait until you reincarnate. Then I can have you all over again! Maybe next time I can even make you actually fall in love with me! Oh, the thought of you loving me as much as I love you is enough to not care about the years I might have to wait for you. After all, you are worth waiting for, my love." The loving and happy smile on his face did nothing to stop the dread I felt pooling in my chest.

Death was no longer an escape from this madman who claimed to love me. It was simply a temporary reprieve as I waited for my new prison to be born.

"You'll never escape my love for you. I told you that before and I meant every word of it." David smiled as he wiped the tear from my eyes. Leaning forward, he brushed his lips against my ear and whispered softly, "You're mine, (y/n) and I'll never let you go. Not even when you die."

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