“Ronan, we really have to leave. I bet a cleaning crew is going to come through any minute and we’ll be caught.” I gasped as he kissed down my neck.

He groaned but got up, bringing me with him. We quickly put on our clothes and Ronan laughed as my dress slid down.

I glared, “Not funny at all. I really liked this dress.”

Ronan smirked, “It looks way better off and on the floor.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

“You’re lucky that I think you’re hot.” I muttered, grabbing four paper clips and clipping them to the back of my dress.

Ronan muttered something under his breath sounding something like, “I am hot”, as we left and headed to his car. The ride back to his house was silent, comfortable yet silent.  I smiled when I saw Carter standing outside the door with a smirk on his face.

“I told you it would work!” Carter said as we walked up the front steps.

“Shut up.” Ronan muttered punching his brother in the shoulder.

I laughed as Carter rubbed his arm and walked into the house. Dante saw me and smiled, “Hello, Ms. Brynn. It’s good to see you again.”

“Hi, Dante, it’s good to see you too. Busy keeping up with these two losers?”


Ronan shot Dante a dirty look and I laughed, “Come on stupid. I want to play a video game.” I dragged him upstairs.

“We can play an easy one, since you suck at COD.” Ronan said wrapping his large hand around my small one.

I stopped and he looked down at me, “What?”

“Take it back.” I said.

“No, it’s true. At least you play, most girls don’t.” He said leaning down, trying to kiss me.

"Take it back." I repeated, placing my hands on my hips. 

"Okay, I take it back. You're the best COD player ever!" 

"Now you're just mocking me!" 

"Babe, you're the best COD player ever." Ronan said seriously. 

"Thank you." I murmured standing on my tip toes to kiss him. 

He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer, my back leaning against the rail of the stairs. The kiss started to get heated when we heard someone clear their throat and we jumped apart seeing his parents standing there.

Mrs. Rivers was smiling at us, but Mr. Rivers had a very confused look on his face. 

"Do you mind telling us what is going on here?" Mrs. Rivers asked. 

I felt my cheeks heat up and I realized what I must have looked like. My hair was disheveled, my makeup from last night was still on my face, probably smeared, and my dress was torn. And Ronan didn't look any better. 

"Brynn and I made up." Ronan said shrugging.

I hit him in the stomach and glared up at him. 

Mrs. Rivers smiled down at me, "May I speak with you in the office?" 

I nodded and followed her into the office. 

Payton's POV

I paced the living room as I waited for Brynn to come home. Blaine and Travis had come over with a few of the football players from school to play some madden, but I couldn't focus on my game because my mind was focusing on where Brynn might be.

"Payton, sit your ass down, your little wife will be home soon."  John said tossing the controller at me.

“Or will she?” Blaine said with a mysterious look on his face.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

He shrugged, “I saw her take off with Ronan last night. Her friends left around 2am, she was gone long before that. You didn’t see Ronan last night right? Try to use your brain little brother.”

I glared at him, “Shut the fuck up. She wouldn’t do that to me.”

Travis looked nervously between us, “Guys, this isn’t the time or the place for this. Let’s just chill and play madden. Then we can watch the New York Giants kick Oakland Raiders asses.”

“Fine.” Blaine and I said at the same time.

He continued playing like nothing was wrong, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how right he could be. Ronan and Brynn had been MIA at the same time. Travis nudged me into playing the game and I forced back those thoughts. If I ever caught her cheating on me, there would be hell to pay for both of them.


I know, I'm the worst person ever, I work two jobs and I go to school. I'm lucky if I can get 3 hrs of sleep on a good day. I recently got an Iphone so now I can write at work, I promise the next chapter will be up faster than this one because of the lovely RPerna176, read her stories, they're amazing!  So comment and vote, I love hearing what you guys have to say!

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