Chapter 23 : A Night at The TheaTer "My NAme is CoseTTE "

Start from the beginning

-Hey, I finally replied.

-It seems like we're the first and only one who arrived, he stated.

I nodded quickly

-How annoying is that ?!! Nobody respects the time and dates anymore, he said, sounding very annoyed, he obviously hates waiting, then he added, let's wait for ten minutes then we shall call them.

I nodded again quickly, didn't feel like I should say anything, it's probably better to just keep quiet, avoid any kind of troubles, he's in no good mood that's for sure and me talking will only make things worse, besides I already made it clear to him, that except work there is nothing to discuss, that the past events haven't changed a thing between us at all.

-How did it go? He stopped, then continues his question to clarify it more when he saw the surprise look in my face ' I mean with the lawyer? How did it go?

-Oh ! I answered, surprised, not waiting for any kind of question from him and especially not this one.

-It was okay, the lawyer said that it should be an easy case for her.

-That's good, he said, then paused for a few minutes still looking at me, then why you don't look happy?

-It's divorce, How could I be happy ?! I exclaimed.

-Isn't what you want? He questioned

-Of course it's ,I paused then said : a divorced woman is a bad title back home, people are going to say millions of bad things about me, everyone will agree that's is my fault, that I'm horrible person specially because it's me who want it, they're going to be lot of gossips and those judgmental looks on their faces, disgust, as if I have committed some sort of crime and let's not mention that this means that I won't ever be married at least not in the ten coming years cause everyone will have one say, one word about me, I stopped to take a breath then continued: it's not like I want to remarry now or even thinking of it but in ten years who knew !

-Well, you're in London and as much I know people here won't give it that much of importance, they won't give a damn.

-I know, but my parents are there and they will hear a lot.

He stood silently, looking at me, breathing slowly for a few seconds before he spoke:

-If my opinion matters to you then I think you're brave, courageous, and a strong person, you will survive it all and so will your parents.

-Of course it matters, I mumbled feeling flattered, better than I did before, I know his words won't change the situation back home, it won't make people shut up, it's won't stop my parents from listening but I hope they both think and see me as he does, and that should be enough to bear it.

A peaceful silence had filled the air, there was no need of more words, there was nothing left to be added or said, he took his left arm and looked at his Swiss watch, shook his head and said:

-I should call them and see where they're .

I come back to nodding again, he took his cell phone from his coat right pocket and dial a number, a few words, then hung out, dialed another number, this time, no answer, before he deals the third one, he received a message, read it, then called again.

-Max is the only one coming, but of course, he will be late as always, we should enter, when he comes he will join us.

-Okay, I agreed.

I climbed the stone stairs while he was near me, when we reached the entry, I stopped to took a couple of photo of the façade before walking inside, he held my umbrella, covered me with it while I was taking the photo.

Once Upon A Stranger  "Islamic Story" #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now