Ship Names?

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Okay, so I just realized that Clara and Newt and Clara and Gally don't have ship names. How do I forget that? Okay, so the only ones I could really come up with are Cewt for Clara and Newt and Cally for Clara and Gally. But, I don't know. Tell me your ship names for them and I'll pick the one I like the best! Or if you like the ones I made, let me know! This has been bothering me and I just have to pick them before I can even think about starting the sequel. I'm weird, I know, but it has to happen. So, ship names? Comment and tell me which ones you came up with. Love you guys and I'll start on the sequel ASAP! So, be looking for it!

Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- Newt//GallyWhere stories live. Discover now