10. Thomas Arrives

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Maze Runner Series, any characters(besides my own), or any of the ideas. All rights belong to James Dashner.

Fair warning: This chapter will have a few quotes from the book. I'm sorry, please don't sue me!


Today was the day we were supposed to get a new Greenie. I was excited, to say the least. I plopped down in my usual spot at the edge of the Deadheads, my back resting on the rough bark of the tree. I closed my eyes and waited, not even bothering to look up when Chuck came and sat beside me.

"Hey, Clara. Why aren't we working?"

"Because there's no point cleanin' this early in the mornin'. We've already washed the dishes for Frypan and did everyone's laundry. If we clean anything else, it'll just be dirty again within five minutes. How about you and the rest of the Sloppers go see if you can help out elsewhere until later?"

"Good that. But, what about you?"

"I'm just going to sit here for a while. I'll go help Clint and the other Med-jacks if they end up needing help with Ben."

"But you know what Newt said! You can't go up there! What if he goes crazy like..."

The younger boy's words trailed off and my fists clenched tightly as I tried to supress the terrible memories.

"Slim it, Chuck. Just go tell the others what I said, alright?"

Chuck stood up and walked off to relay my message to the other Sloppers. I thought back to the day Ben got stung as a shiver ran down my spine.


The Sloppers and I had just got done scrubbing the bathrooms and the showers until they were spotless. Chuck was pouting and I felt bad for him. The only thing he really liked about being a Slopper was spending time with me. I was one of the only ones who could tolerate the poor kid, so he grew attached to me. A loud, barely human scream ripped it's way through our ears, snapping me from my thoughts. I had heard that sound before. It constantly haunted me in my sleep. My heart raced wildly as I hit my knees, panic overcoming every single one of my senses.

My hands flew to my ears as I tried my best to block out that terrifying noise. Someone had been stung. Images of Noah's writhing body flashed through my mind, making my stomach churn violently. Somewhere deep inside, the irrational part of me was convinced Noah had came back to finish the job of murdering me. My breath caught in my throat as I tried to convince myself it wasn't him. In an instant, Chuck was beside me, gripping my arms tightly as he frantically begged for someone to go get Newt.

Within moments, I felt Chuck's pudgy hands release my arms, only to be replaced by strong arms wrapping around my small frame, pulling me into their warm chest. I knew it was Newt because of his scent-fresh cut grass with a hint of musk. His hand found it's way to the back of my head, gently stroking my hair as he whispered soothing words in my ear.

"Clara, it's alright. You're alright. It's not him. I promise, it's not him. I'm here. Nothing's going to bloody hurt you ever again, I swear. Please calm down."

After whispering those same words to me repeatedly, I finally calmed down. I pulled myself away from Newt, gripping his arms tightly as I choked out a question.

"W-Who..was it?"

"It was Ben."

My eyes widened as I thought of the friendly Builder. I nodded once and, with Newt's help, shakily got to my feet. My bottom lip trembled ever so slightly before I could compose myself.

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