Chapter 16: A Night You Won't Remember

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"How deep is your love, is it like the ocean, hmm hmm hmm hm," I sang to myself as I did my lip-gloss in the mirror.

My phone vibrated and beeped once, annoyingly interrupting my music.

I looked over to see a text that immediately put a smile back on my face.

Peyton: I'll pick you up in an hour :)

'I guess with a message like that he's allowed to interrupt my music.... sometimes.' I thought to myself, trying to ignore the small flutter in my stomach I got when I saw his name on my home screen.

Angelina: Sounds good see you soon Peyton :)

I went off to finish getting ready for the party. Uriah had decided to invite the entire school to a party in his penthouse because, "That's what they do in all the movies" as Uriah put it when trying to explain his reasoning to me the other day. I didn't even bother trying to explain how not everything is like the movies but I decided that was better for another day, didn't want to burst his bubble. It's kind of sad how these kids my age only know how to be a "normal" kid based off of movies.

I pondered this as I put on my new black, long-sleeve lace dress Gia had bought for me as a "second semester kick-off present". This was a lie, I knew she bought it for me since she knew I didn't have anything to wear to the party and couldn't buy a dress. I hadn't received my paycheck yet from the studio but even if I had gotten it, all of it would have to go into money for the debt my mom and I were in since my dad left and daily necessities we needed. All of these expenses wouldn't even be covered with one paycheck, let alone leave extra money to buy myself clothes.

I put on my nude color heels Gia had also bought me. 'My thoughtful, crazy Gia,' I thought as I put myself together.

I curled my dark brown/black hair and did my makeup natural looking, while accenting my green eyes a little more with gold shimmer eye shadow.

I put on silver hoop earrings to match my "Peyton Necklace", as I liked to call it, which I never take off.

One last look in the mirror and I was on my way to the kitchen where Peyton was waiting for me.

"Ready to .... Wow," Peyton said, getting up from the couch and turning to now face me.

"Do I, um, look okay?" I asked, now looking down to examine my outfit in case something was wrong. 'He's never acted quite like this before,' I thought nervously to myself, looking back up at him.

"You look, you-you look... beautiful," Peyton said almost in a whisper.

I could feel my face begin to heat up as I looked down again at my shoes, "Thanks Meyer, you don't look so bad yourself," I said laughing.

I looked back up and he was beaming at me.

He had walked closer, now we were only inches apart. He slipped his hand in mine as he looked into my eyes. I could tell he was worried.

"Um, look about what happened that night in front of you're apartment—" Peyton began.

"Picture time!" My mom burst into the room, unknowingly intruding on the conversation I've been waiting on for so long. Mothers always have the best timing it seems.

I jumped back so fast I felt myself begin to wobble in my heels.

"I gotcha," Peyton said laughing as he caught my hand, pulling me back up and into his arms before I could slip and fall.

Any trace of the subtle worry I saw seconds ago was erased as he regained his regular composure, smiling down at me. It felt like the world stopped as we just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. He had this glint in his eye I couldn't quite place. Green with gold specs, they were hard and intimidating yet soft and innocent.

You Found Me ➳ ft. Peyton MeyerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu