Chapter 13: Missing My Other Half

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I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes as I overlooked the city from my favorite place in world and my secret hiding place, the rooftop garden.

"I know you're out there Mom.... But where..." I whispered to myself, finally letting a few small warm tears tickle down my cheeks.

I needed to get away from all the chaos downstairs so I told one the officers I was going out for fresh air and where to find me if they heard anything.

I heard the sound of footsteps shuffling behind me.

I quickly whipped the tears off my face before turning around to see Peyton, quietly closing the door to the staircase.

Peyton looked up from the door, "Um, they told me I could find you up here," he said, nervously looking down at his feet. "But I can go if you'd rather just be alone," he said, finally looking up to meet my gaze from where I was standing.

Despite his words, something in his eyes begged me not to dismiss him back to my apartment.

"N-no, um, please... stay." The last word rolled off my tongue almost in a pleading way. Embarrassed I turned back around to out once more at the city... my city. I always find comfort in calling New York my city... maybe it's because I've never gotten to call a lot of things my own throughout my life.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I felt Peyton's arm brush up against mine, copying my posture as he leaned up against the building wall. I watched the lights of the city twinkle against his deep green eyes. I felt tingles where out arms touched, but I pretended to ignore it.

"This is really beautiful, I've never seen anything like this in LA," Peyton said, overlooking the glowing lights of the night.

"Yeah, it really is," I replied quietly, as I got lost in the city's beauty, like I always do.

"But I do know a little trick," he said, with his signiture Peyton smirk.
"And what's that?" I said with a half smile.

"See those stars, right over there," he said, pointing to the sky.

"Wait, which ones?" I said squinting in the direction he pointed.

"Right—" Peyton came up, standing behind me, wrapped his arm over my arm with my hand in his hand, his face next to mine, "there," he finished whispering in my ear.

"It's Orion's belt." I mumbled to myself.

"Yeah," Peyton said, tilting his face down to look at mine.

I stared back and we looked at each other for a second too long before I pulled away, remembering everything from today.

"Um," I faced Peyton, "Look, I want to apologize for today, I didn't mean to ruin the scene or anything—" I started, before Peyton interrupted me.

"No, no it wasn't your fault, that scene was totally unplanned and I know it threw everyone off and I'm sure you were probably mad because it took away the significance of your part and –" This time I cut off Peyton.

"No, really, Peyton, I should have handled things better and I didn't," I said, now unable to look him in the eyes. "I just... I was hurt because it seemed like... I don't know it seemed like Haley did it on purpose, like just to spite me. She seems to think that I'm in the way of you and her being together. She told me that I'll never be good enough for you and I'm just your 'pity friend'," I involuntarily sniffled as I used air-quotes around the last two words, in reference to what Haley said. "And I think that hurt the most. Peyton, you're just such a special person in my life," I continued, 'At least that's not a total lie, I mean he is really special to me, I'm just avoiding admitting I have feelings for him,' I though to myself. "I've never met anyone like you. It just, it hurt me so much to think that you could have just been playing me the whole time," I sniffled again. I didn't realize I had started to cry, as I finally noticed the teardrops on my hands that I was still looking down upon. "Look," I said, unable to meet at Peyton's gaze, "if that's true then its fine. I hate charity, I hate being looked down on and I hate people only being in my life because they feel bad for me," I said, the last part with a little more conviction. The sudden pain and rage I felt caused the words to feel like acid in my mouth. "So if you only gave me that acting job because you pity me, I don't want it. And if you only want to be friends with me because you feel bad for me," I stopped, took a deep breath and finally looked into his eyes with my newfound confidence, "Don't."

I looked up to a completely stunned Peyton, his mouth open just a bit, his eyes wide and blank as if processing everything I just said.

I started to walk away defiantly towards the door to the stairway when suddenly I felt a hand on my arm and I was spun around, right into Peyton.

Our bodies were so close I could feel the heat radiating off of him. Our faces were only inches apart since I was an inch or two shorter than him. I tried to ignore this closeness so I wouldn't blush, but I knew it was already too late.

"I would never do that to you," Peyton whispered, snapping me back to reality. His moss green eyes bore deep into mine as he gazed down on me with genuine concern and a glint of something else I've never really seen before that fascinated me.

"I want you in my life because you're, you're Angelina!" Peyton said a little louder, "And you mean everything to me... I need you, I need to know you're there for me."

"...Please don't push me away," Peyton whispered, almost pleadingly.

All I could do was nod.

"I... I would never leave you Peyton." I whispered back.

Peyton looked for what seemed like a millisecond at my lips. It happened so quick I'm not sure if I imagined it.

"Okay, come here," Peyton said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a hug.

"What's going to happen to my mom Peyton?" I whispered into his shoulder.

"Honestly Ang, I don't know, I'm praying everything is going to be okay," He paused before speaking again. "But what I do know is I'll always be there for you no matter what."

We just stood like that for a long time, holding each other. I could here his heartbeat as he stroked the back of my hair.

Then Peyton looked down at me and said, "Ang, I don't want to be your friend."

"...What?" I breathed, my voice shaking, trying to hold back the tears.

He said looking right into my eyes, "...I—I want to be more than your friend, Ang." He whispered back.

Stunned, I opened my mouth to respond until we heard someone yell my name from at the bottom of the apartment building.

"Dad?" Iwhispered.



If you think that chapter was crazy WAIT FOR CH. 14!!! More Peyton and Ang romance and plenty more Flore family drama to come!!!

Thank you all for the support, it means so much!





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