Chapter 1: My Life

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Hi readers!!! First of all thanks for reading! Secondly, this chapter will give you an intro to some of our main characters, so don't worry the next chapter will definitely pick up the pace a little more ;) hope you guys like it!! 😄
(Above is Angelina and Gia!)

   As I walked through the snowy December streets of New York, I began to remember the reasons I feel in love with the city when I was a child. The twinkly lights that hung from the trees that lines the streets, the Christmas music you could hear as you passed each shop, the happy couples holding hands as they rode around in horse drawn carriages-- for all of these reasons and many more I loved New York. It was my home. It was one of the few things that I could rely on to be there for me in my life. My name is Angelina Flore—and yes probably one of the most Italian names in the world, I know. I'm seventeen years old, a senior in high school who was now officially on winter break and I couldn't be happier. I'm walking home from the last day of school before break today with my best friend, Gia Carter, which is our usual routine. We've been inseparable since the moment we met at lunch on the first day of third grade. Gia and my mom are the most important people in my life as they have always been there for me. My dad left my mom and I when I was seven years old. I've overheard my mom talking to Mrs. Carter about how that could be the reason why I don't let many people into my life. God, she sounds like such a therapist. My mom actually works two jobs, as a dentist office secretary during the day and a second shift waitress at a dinner down the street from our apartment at night--and also as a full time mom too, so I guess that would be three jobs. Because my mom is always working to pay for our apartment, food, clothes, electricity, and all of our other necessities, I've sort of had to grow up on my own since she can't be around that often. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE my mom. She sacrifices so much to keep us going. She's more than just my mom, she's my most loyal, caring, loving, best friend. Gia is pretty good too (kidding), but what my mom and I have is such a special bond, it's like we are the same person. Gia is like a sister to me. We have our ups and downs, but in the end, we'd do anything for each other and it's always a good feeling to know I have her and my mom as my safety net.

"Oh my God is that Sabrina Carpenter!" Gia yells, pointing across the street and snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look over, "No Gia, that isn't her."

Gia is sort of obsessed with celebrities. I'm New York, born and raised, so I don't really get phased by the so-called 'famous people' while she still does. Gia moved from Ohio to New York in the third grade and it's amazing how after almost 10 years she still isn't used of them. I just see them as regular people. When Gia came in third grade, it was almost a year after my dad left and I really am blessed that she walked into my life when she did, I needed her as my rock during that hard time.

"Ooooo I just can't wait until they get here!" Gia whined.

The 'they' Gia is referring to is the cast of Girl Meets World. Gia loves that show and I have to admit I secretly love it too. Although the show is usually filmed in Los Angeles, for the first time ever, the cast is filming in New York for their Girl Meets New Years episode, which will be filmed over our winter break. Since Gia's dad is a film director here in New York, he was able to get two VIP tickets for Gia and I to watch the taping and, as you can see, Gia can't wait. Also, I think you can guess by now that Gia's family is just a tad more well-off then mine, but I love her just the same. Money has never mattered to me, it's all about who you are as a person, not the materialistic, superficial junk so many rich and famous people only care about...okay that sounded really stereotypical. I mean not all of them are bad, but sometimes I just wish more were more generous to give to charities and to those people who truly need it.

"But the filming is TOMORROW! Wouldn't they be here by now?" Gia whined...again.

"I mean not necessarily G, maybe they'll be coming in early tomorrow?" I asked, giggling at the overdramatized, devastated look on her face.

"Ugh, I hate when you're right," Gia smirked, giving me a little nudge.

"Hey!" I said laughing, "You're gonna get it now!" I yelled, chasing Gia down the sidewalk to our apartment building.

Gia ended up sleeping over. We almost always have sleepover since our apartments are only two doors down from each other, so frequently that our parents don't even bother asking anymore because they know that if they can't find us or if we forget anything, we are less than 30 feet away.

"Goodnight Ang," Gia mumbles as she drifts off to sleep, in her usual spot, the blowup mattress she bought to leave on my bedroom floor.

"GoodnightG," I say back and drift off to sleep. I don't usually hope for things,but maybe, just maybe tomorrow might have something good in store.   


Hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1! I wanted to introduce you all to Angelina, Gia, and Mrs. Flore. I'm definitely going to pick up the pace in the next chapters, but I hope you all like the story so far!

Much more to come! :)

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Vine account --> MariaAP1714 titled "girl meets peyton"

Twitter account --> MAP1714

Thank you all for the support, it means so much!



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