Chapter 9: Hopefully Healing

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****Please Note: Now Changing to Peyton's POV (Point of View) ***

"...Now, as cliché as it sounds, you need to listen to your heart and decide what you want to do." With that, Gia stormed out of my apartment, leaving me there, stunned.

'You know she's absolutely right, dude' I thought to myself. 'God how can I be so stupid, I dissevered Gia hitting my leg... no matter how painful,' I said, cringing at the lingering pain still in my knee.

"Hey, um, Mom?" I called out, not quite sure if she was around.

"Yes, hun," she said, almost immediately popping in her head from the kitchen door linked to the living room.

"You weren't listening to our conversation now were you Mom?" I said sarcastically, giving her a knowing look.

"Oh, me! Of course not!" She said with a laugh as she sat down next to me on the coach, conciously avoiding my bad knee. "Honey, you know that Gia just might be right?" She said to me softly.

"I know Mom, I'm sorry." I said, looking down at my hands. I was ashamed of the huge series of mistakes I've made since the last time I saw Ang at the hospital. It was like this awful domino effect; every time I thought I was doing the right thing, it just made everything worse.

"I know, Peyton, but I also know that you had the right intentions at heart," She said with a small smile, tilting my chin back up to look at her. "But I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to," my mom said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I smiled at her, knowing what I had to do next.

Soon enough, I was standing on Angelina's porch with a bouquet of roses in hands. I wasn't on crutches (as I only have to use them when I go long distances) so I was only wearing my knee brace. Gia was smart and left Angelina's address and apartment number in a note she left on the placemat of my front door. 'She knew I was coming,' I had thought to myself with a laugh. The realization of what I was about to do soon hit me and the nervous butterflies in my stomach set in right after. 'You can do this Peyton, snap out of it. You're not gonna let her go this time,' I though to myself, trying to focus my energy into the more important issue at hand.

I rang the doorbell and waited for what seemed like an eternity and a millisecond all at the same time. A woman with dark hair and bright green eyes like Angelina opened the door, "Ms. Flore?" I asked tentatively. She smiled looking pleased and what seemed like a look of relief also briefly flashed over her face, "She's on the roof, let me show you the elevator," She offered kindly.

I walked onto the roof to see a beautiful, tall girl with crutches and an ankle brace looking over the edge at the buzzing city below. I watched as the lights glistened off of Angelina's deep hazel eyes as she stared out intensely at the world.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice me until I was only a few feet away from her, "...Hey..." I said slowly, not wanting to startle her.

"...Peyton?" She said so quietly, almost in a whisper.

My heart ached as she turned to me. I could tell she had been crying-- her eyes were an even lighter shade of green and her cheeks still stained with tears.  "Look Ang, I am so sorry for the way I've treated you. It was completely unfair, I'm not trying to excuse what I've done, but I just wanted to explain," I spoke, quietly.

Seemingly almost frozen, but at the same time very aware, she didn't retaliate so I took it as my cue to continue. "I thought that I would only cause you problems in your life. I must have taken the accident as a sign that I wasn't good for you. I felt like you deserved to have a normal life, with a normal boyfriend who could treat you right.  My fame has always ruined any chance to form any sort of relationships with people; not only romantic relationships, but also friendships have suffered a lot too. Because of all of the rumors and threats people get from hanging out with me, it always ends badly. I thought I could protect you from it all, since I didn't want you to get hurt, but in the end that's exactly what I did. You don't have to forgive me," I said looking down at the roses in my hand, "but I just want you to now how sorry I am."

I couldn't even look at her, it hurt me too much to think of the pain I must have put her through, "I'll just put these down here for you—" I said as I started to bring the roses to the ground, "Wait!" I immediately stopped, coming back up to face the dark haired girl in front of me.

"Of course I forgive you," Angelina almost whispered.

I was so happy, I can't believe that she—

"Do you think we can start over and be friends?" She asked me, looking up at me with those puppy dog eyes you could just melt in.

I wanted to say, 'No, I like you and want to be with you,' but of course I didn't. 'I really care for her. I know I do, but she has enough to deal with in her life right now, and I still think that us being together would just cause her bigger problems, especially if I end up having to ... go back to L.A.,' I thought, cringing internally. I couldn't even bring myself to think of that now, I mean it's not for a while anyway right? 'And what if she doesn't even like me—and I mean the real me, not just the fantasy of what every girl seems to see on television. Maybe it is better if we just slow down and get to know each other.'

"Yes, definitely, that sounds like a great idea," I heard myself saying.

She looked relieved and hugged me.

We stayed like that, embracing each other, for a while. It felt like time stopped, like Angelina and I were the only people in the world.

When we parted, I saw her looking down, trying to hide her now blushing cheeks. I could feel a blush running up my neck as well.

"I, um, I got these for you," I stammered, sticking out the roses I bought her.

"Oh, thanks they're beautiful," Angelina, said, smelling them.

'Nowhere as beautiful as you,' I thought to myself.

"Oh I almost forgot!" I said remembering my other surprise, "Do you think you'd want to stop the studio tomorrow? Everyone really misses you and want to know how you're doing. I thought the best way to do that was to bring you to them. So what do you say, will you come?" I ask, feeling myself smiling as I think about being able to be with Angelina again tomorrow, "Oh and Gia too!" I added with a laugh, 'Wouldn't want to forget the girl who saved me from losing you,' I thought to myself, smiling more.

"Of course!" Angelina exclaimed.

"Great, my driver will come by and pick you guys up tomorrow around 10am."


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading chapter 9! I hope you liked it :) Let me know what you guys are thinking in the comments too!

Wow, what do you think is going to happen between Angelina and Peyton? Will they become more than friends? Will they even be able to stay friends without his fame getting in the way? Gosh, I'm so into this story, I love getting immersed in the character and I hope you guys feel the same! haha

Much more to come in Chapter 10! :)

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