Chapter 8: You Aren't the Person I Thought You Were

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I came home from the hospital to find Gia sitting on my bed in bedroom.

"ANG!" she yelled, looking up from her hands as I crutched into my bedroom.

She ran over to me crying, with already red, puffy, and tearstained cheeks, wrapping me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for being such an awful friend to you, that wasn't fair of me at all to blame you for Peyton not reciprocating the feelings I had for him. I should have been more supportive of you and him; I should always support you no mater what," She said crying into my shoulder as she rambled on, "And...and I'm sorry that I got you hurt," Gia said, now full on sobbing and clinging to me, "I understand if you never want to see me again," She cried.

"GIA!" I said, pushing her back to hold her at arms length.

"Look at me," I said tilting her chin up to face me, "You did NOT cause me to get hurt! Sweetie, that was not your fault," I said more softly, "and I never want you to blame yourself for that again, understand?" I said. She nodded, "But if I hadn't dragged you out there before—," she said, trying not to get choked up again, "No!" I cut her off, "There is no possible way you could have known that driver would be flying around the corner five minutes later, you did not cause me to get hurt...Okay?" I said.

"You are the best friend a girl could ask for Angelina, I mean that. You are my sister and always will be, I love you," she said pulling me back into a hug.

"I love you too sis," I said.

I took a deep breath as we separated.

"So, how are you doing, Ang?" Gia looked at me tentatively with a supportive smile, trying to be sensitive as we sat on my bed.

I told her everything, from the play by play of what I remember from the accident, then filling in the blanks with what the cops told us happened, and lastly what happened when I went to see Peyton before I left the hospital. I didn't tell her about the time I snuck into his hospital room to see him when he was still sleeping and I didn't know what was wrong with him; it's too personal. I don't think I'll ever tell anyone about that.

"You know what?" Gia said, after she gave me another tissue to wipe my eyes from crying about Peyton, "We don't need him!" She said, jumping up on my bed throwing her arm in the air making me laugh.  She then jumped off and pulled open my window, "HEY NEW YORK! WE DON'T NEED ANY GUYS, ESPECIALLY PEYTON MEYER, BECAUSE WE ARE STRONG, INDEPENDENT, AND FIERCE WOMEN READY TO TAKE ON THE WORLD TOGETHER!!!" Then someone from below honked their horn and started cheering. "YA, YOU GO GIRL!" Gia yelled back, pointing at them, causing them to honk again. By this point, I was on the floor holding my stomach and crying from laughing so hard.

Gia began to laugh to as she lay down next to me.

"So," Gia said, turning her head to look at me.

"So," I responded, smiling back at her.

"Girls day?" Gia questioned with a devilish smile.

"That sounds perfect, G," I said, "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," Gia said smiling back at me.

We went downstairs and Gia turned on the television. The TV turned on to the news, which must have been the last thing my mom was watching.

"Well, this is boring," I heard Gia mumble as she went to search for the remote to change the channel.

"Got it!" She smiled, holding it in the air, celebrating her small victory.

Just as she was about to change the channel, Peyton came on the screen.

"Wait!" I yelled, putting up my hand to signal her to stop.

You Found Me ➳ ft. Peyton MeyerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang