Chapter 2: The Girl in the Black Dress

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(Above is Peyton!)

"Soooo how do I look?" Gia said, twirling around as she walked out of my bathroom into my room.

"Beautiful as usual, G," I said laughing at her impression of a model walk. Gia was wearing a casual blue lace dress with brown high-heeled knee-high boots, a cute brown scarf, a black dress coat, a silver necklace, and silver hoop earrings. She wore her dark auburn hair down and it was curled with a half-up/half-down look as she had pulled back the top part with a clip and left two pieces out, framing her face.

Then I noticed Gia examining my outfit.

"What? Does it look bad?" I said, now concerned as I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a black small v-neck dress with brown high heeled knee-high boots, a tan cropped leather jacket, a long silver necklace and silver stud earrings. I had my dark brown, almost black, hair hanging down naturally with the left side of my face, the side with my part, tucked behind my ear, my usual look. I don't fuss much with my hair usually; secretly my favorite feature is my hazel eyes so I always try to accent them with my outfits when I think of it.

"No Ang, you look hot!" Gia nearly shouted.

I laughed looking at my best friend, thinking how lucky I am to have her.

We linked arms as we grabbed our purses and tickets then walked out to Gia's father's car. Mr. Carter insisted that his driver take us down to the studio, even though it was less than a five-minute walk from our apartment building, "No way will my beautiful daughters walk in the cold!" He stated yesterday night, pulling us in for a group hug. Mr. Carter was much like the father I never had and he took that responsibility very seriously. He is a very generous man and really does treat me like a second daughter.

"Ahhh I'm so excited!" Gia screeched as we pulled into the front of the studio where our driver was going to be dropping us off. "Thanks Charles!" Gia yelled, already halfway out the car before it had even come to a full stop.

'Oh Gia,' I thought laughing to myself as I quickly followed.

Once inside, we sat quietly with the rest of the audience as we watched the cast filming the Girl Meets New Years episode. Even though we had to watch them do multiple retakes, I surprisingly enjoyed every minute I was there. I noticed that the guy who plays Lucas, Peyton Meyer, kept looking over in our general direction. I finally turned around to see if there were maybe cue cards or something behind me that he was looking at, but there wasn't. 'Hm that's weird' I thought to myself. When I turned around Peyton's marker had been moved closer to us and those big green eyes were staring right at me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot as he gave me a small smile, and then turned back to the director.

"Oh my God! Ang did you see that?!?" Gia said yelling in a whisper, trying

not to disturb any of the filming.

"See what?" I asked looking at my hands, trying to gain control of my face before I actually turned into a giant tomato.

"Peyton! He was smiling at us!" She said, still whisper-yelling. Although I knew Peyton was staring right at me, I said, "Oh that's really nice, maybe he likes us," I said smiling at her. Gia was beaming. I wanted her to have this because I knew this was important to her and how happy it would make her to think someone famous noticed her, especially one from Girl Meets World.

After the filming wrapped up, Peyton and the cast came back onstage. "Hey guys! Thank you again for coming to our filming today, you have all been so great in welcoming us to New York! And since this is a special occasion, we thought we could do a game with the cast and the audience! And more importantly, I'm going to host!" He said laughing as he winked at the audience, "Now let's grab an audience member to come on up here with us!" he said, scanning the room.

People immediately reacted by jumping up, raising their hands, or started cheering. Of course Gia and I were only the second row back from the stage in the VIP section so I was looking down at my lap, hoping not to get noticed. I mean I don't mind being in front of people but...okay I honestly do. I don't mind talking to people individually or even to a small group but not while there would be an entire room of strangers staring at me! I don't even like class presentations!

"How about you there in the black dress?"

'Please don't be me,please don't be me,' I thought to myself as I cringed looking up. There he was,Peyton Meyer, with his big green eyes, looking right at me.   


Hey guys thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2!

What do you think will happen when Angelina goes on with Peyton?

Keep reading for more in Chapter 3! :)

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