Chapter 5: You

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I start to see black spots as my eyes attempt to flutter open. I realize I'm lying down as I look up to see blurry figures moving around a small area. I hear the sound of an engine and feel the movement of a car. "Hurry we're losing him!" a male voice shouts. Then everything goes black again.

I wake up to the sound of a constant, low murmuring of a beeping machine. Although I am still groggy, I am able to see a little more as I shimmy myself to sit up. I think I see a man sitting in a chair across from my hospital bed. I rub my eyes to get a better look, but when I uncover them again there is nobody there.

"Where am I?" I whisper to myself in a panic. I look down and I am no longer in my black dress and jacket, but in a hospital gown. I begin to breathe more rapidly as I scan to room to see I am sitting up in a hospital bed alone. The machine next to me that I seem to be connected to begins to beep louder and quicker, which only makes me more nervous.

A woman in a white outfit runs into my room, "She's having a panic attack!" She shouts to someone outside of the doorway. "Just breath honey everything is going to be alright," she says with her southern accent as another nurse comes in and starts messing with the machine and I.V. next to me. I notice on her name tag says Nurse Loraine.

"What's going on?" I ask, trying to gain control of my breathing.

Then everything flashes back to me all at once-- the screeching wheels, the screams, the sirens, "Hurry we are losing him!"

"Where's Peyton? Is he alright?! What happened to him?! Where is he?!" I say, almost yell at the nurse.

The woman with the beautiful, curly blond hair turns to me, responding cool and collectively, but at the same time direct and to the point, "Okay, sugar, let's take things slow. My name is Nurse Loraine and you are?"

"But I need to know where he is, they said they were loosing him," I choke out as I feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"Well, let me start with what happened to you my little princess. You and that young man were in a studio parking lot down on 5th avenue. The police are saying that you guys were caught in a hit and run. They haven't found the driver yet, but they are reviewing the studios back lot security camera footage to see if they can find anything they can use to identify the driver."

"How do you know all this?" I ask still groggy from all of the medicine they must have given me.

"Well, thankfully you had your drivers license on you so the police were able to identify you and we were able to contact your parents. Your mom is on her way, but you know how New York traffic is. Anyway, she gave us permission to speak to you about the accident since--"

"Wait, wait, wait, you said 'parents'? As in plural?" I questioned.

"Yes, and I know your parents are no longer together but--"

I z as I have flashbacks of the blurry man I saw in my hospital room as I started to become more aware of what's actually going on.

"Do you know if he came?" I asked, feeling bad as I cut her off once again, but Nurse Loraine seemed sweet and didn't seem to mind. I think she knew I was overwhelmed at the moment.

"Let me go check the sign-in booklet, I'll be right back—but if you need me for anything before that, just give me a buzz," she said as she pointed to the emergency nurse button on my hospital bed.

I started to feel nauseous, and I knew it wasn't from the accident. I always get the same queasy feeling when I think about my father. Sometimes I think of him as if he's some sort of toxin—even after it's removed from you, your body will always remember the impact it had on your well-being.

As I looked down, I noticed I had a cast on my left ankle along with some cuts and bruises on both legs and arms and also a pounding headache. I reached up to feel a small cut on my upper right temple.

Feeling that scar made me remember all of the unseen scars my father had left on my family, my life, and my heart. I realized I didn't even care if it was my father who had come to see me before. He abandoned my mother and I almost ten years ago and now he thinks he can just walk back in whenever something bad happens? And then runs away again like the coward he has always been? I guess he's always had a knack for leaving.

When Nurse Loraine came back, before she could even speak, I asked, "What happened to me?" I didn't want to think about him anymore. I was done wasting my time on someone who I long ago realized was never coming back. The only good thing that ever happened to me was when he walked out my life and it's going to continue to stay that way. It's time to put myself first for once and take care of me.

"Well honey you fractured your ankle in three places and you may have a minor concussion. But if that young man hadn't pushed you out of the way, the consequences could have been..." she paused as she looked down, "um, much more severe," she said, looking back up again.

'Peyton' immediately crossed my mind, 'how could you be so stupid as to forget about him—'

I was pulled away from my thoughts when Nurse Loraine said, "Oh sweetheart please don't cry, I'll go get you some tissues! I'll be back in a jiffy!"

I didn't realize I had already started crying thinking about Peyton risking his life to save me, 'I have to find him, NOW.'

I couldn't wait a moment longer, I needed to find him and tell him that—wait what was I going to tell him?

At that moment, I realized that despite my efforts not to, I had already fallen for Peytoore the accident; the way he blushed when he was embarrassed, the way he talked so passionately about his work, the way he was so kind to even the most outrageous of his fans, the way he was so patient and gentle with me just when I was falling apart—I had already subconsciously started to have feelings for him, feelings I haven't ever felt for anyone before. I was weird and new, but at the same time it felt right.

I needed to see him. I needed to know he was okay. I needed to be with him.

'I can't believe he did that for me,' I though to myself. 'Okay, no more wasting time Flore, you have a mission.'


Hey all!

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 5!

What will Angelina do to overcome her nightmare of a past? Do you think it was Angelina's father who came to see her? What do you think happened to Peyton when he saved Angelina's life?

All your questions will be answered soon enough! ;)

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