Chapter 4: You See Me

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"Hey I saw you take off, how'd you like the show? I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk more before, but I hope I wasn't too forward. You just seemed really nice and I wanted to get to know you better, but if you don't want to I totally understand," Peyton said, smiling shyly.

"Wow," was all I could utter out as I stood up to face him.

"Hey are you okay--" Peyton said, looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Of course I'm not okay! It's your fault my best friend hates me! One of the only two people I have ever had in my life could be gone and it's all because of you! You, you UGH!" I said as I cried hot, angry tears, "Everyone always leaves me and for once it's not my fault, it's yours! So because you messed up, I have to lose my best friend!" I knew I wasn't making any sense, but all of these emotions were just welling up inside of me that I just couldn't keep locked up any longer.

"Oh no please, please don't be upset," Peyton said walking towards me, "I'm so sorry, whatever it is I'll fix it, I'll do whatever it takes to--"

"No!" I said backing away, "don't do anything else, you've done enough damage! ... Please just... don't," I said, now whimpering to myself.

'Ugh you're so stupid how could you cry in front of someone you don't even know!' I thought. I honestly couldn't even remember the last time I cried, ever, let alone in front of a guy I barely even knew.

"Okay Ang let's just calm down," Peyton said soothingly. How he said it made me realize Peyton knew what I was crying about was deeper than whatever happened today. I knew it was about my dad and everyone else who I've pushed out of my life in an attempt to protect myself from more pain, but I just ended up losing the chance to get to know a lot of great people. I've done it for so long that I barely even know how to open up to people any more, let alone know if I want to or not.

Peyton walked over, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me into a hug and I let him. I shook as I cried into his chest.

The next series ofevents was all a blur; I heard the screeching of tires, a horn, a few screams--some of which may have come from me--and then everything went black.


Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it! I will be publishing Chapter 5 soon! :)

Wonder what will happen next to Angelina, Peyton and Gia! What happened to Angelina as she is crying in the parking lot with Peyton?

Much more to come in Chapter 5! :)

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Vine account --> MariaAP1714 titled "girl meets peyton"

Twitter account --> MAP1714

Thank you all for the support, it means so much!




You Found Me ➳ ft. Peyton MeyerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora