Chapter 3: Game Time

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(Above is Sabrina, Corey and Rowan!)

I looked up to be met by a pair of big green eyes.

I suddenly could feel the stares of everyone in the room looking at me.

'Oh my god don't faint –hey! Okay, pull it together Ang you can do this!' I said mentally preparing myself.

"Come on guys lets give her a round of applause," Peyton said, walking over to my section. Everyone immediately started clapping and cheering. I was nervous, but I felt such an adrenaline rush that I began to calm a little.

When Peyton got over to our section, he was reaching out his hand to me and I froze.

'Nobody has ever held me hand before,' I thought to myself. I mean I know I'm not a super affectionate person, but I've never met someone so...well, friendly. I could feel my heart start to pound as I took his hand.

"Let go!" Peyton said into his mic.

He flashed me his charming smile and that was it, I was in.

'Ugh you can't fall for this guy Ang are you nuts?!? He's a superstar, way out of your league—you're way to ordinary. Just brush it off.'

'Okay then,' I responded to myself internally, 'keep your cool and this will be over before you know it.'

I was so overwhelmed by everything that was going on, I soon realized I was sitting on the couch at the center of the stage, still holding Peyton's hand. He didn't let go as we sat on the couch.

"Alright, is everyone ready for a game of Get To Know Me!?" Peyton shouted into the microphone.

As Peyton got up from the couch, his face inches from mine, he whispered almost inaudibly, "Keep this seat warm for me would ya," he laughed as he turned back to the crowd, "I said, are you ready New York!?!"

'Okay...I guess,' I thought to myself, '...what is even going on? Is this real life?' For a second I actually couldn't remember.

I looked into the crowd and saw, of course, Gia on her feet screaming her lungs out, "GO ANGIE!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" She flashed her gorgeous smile as jumped up and down while waving to me.

I waved back to her and smiled.

I've always felt more confident whenever I'm with Gia.

I looked over to my right and sitting there was Sabrina Carpenter.

"Hey! Welcome!" She said beaming at me, as Peyton was still rallying up the crowd.

"Thank you so much for having me!" I said.

'Okay Ang, just ask her,' I thought to myself gathering up the courage to ask Sabrina a question. "I don't mean to bother you, but do you think we can bring up my best friend Gia," I said pointing at the adorable girl in the blue dress still cheering me on, "I wouldn't have even gotten the chance to be here without her," I said shyly.

"Of course! That's so great you want to include your friend!" Sabrina said putting her hands over her heart.

"Peyton!" She yelled.

"Yes, Miss Carpenter," he said jokingly as he smiled at her, still mic in hand.

"We need to bring up this girl's best friend before we get this party started!" She said cheering.

Her energetic attitude spread to the audience as they clapped and cheered.

I was beaming as I looked over at my best friend in the world as she had a pure look of shock on her face. I laughed as it finally hit her and she ran down to the stage. I got up as Gia hugged Sabrina and I as she sat in between us. While her and Sabrina got to know each other, I looked to my left and on the next couch over was Rowan and Corey waving to all of us. We waved back as Peyton was standing in the center stage, explaining the game to the audience members.

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