Chapter 12: Help

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My phone was ringing off the hook. Gia, Sabrina, Rowan, Corey, Uriah, and even Dan were freaking out (and, yes, of course Sabrina told Gia what happened). I told them all I was fine and was just really overtired. I knew they all knew I was lying and it was about my feelings for Peyton and how it killed me to see him kiss Haley, but I honestly was just too exhausted from this awful day to come up with a better lie. Peyton had called a bunch of times, but I always declined his calls, 'He doesn't deserve to have the satisfaction of trying to squirm his way out of this one,' I thought angrily. It wasn't even just seeing him kiss her like that, I mean we weren't dating so I didn't have a right to be jealous, but it was the fact that he blatantly lied to me when he said he didn't have feelings for her. I let him in and he betrayed the trust I thought we finally restored. What if Hailey was right? What if I really was his 'pity friend'? I couldn't even think about that without feeling my stomach turn into knots.

Thank goodness Gia is out of town for the weekend; she and her family drove up to visit her cousin Maria and some of her other relatives in Connecticut. I need to be by myself for a little while—I need to be the one to pick up the pieces for this one, well, figuratively and literally.

It was dark by the time I managed to salvage some menial things in the greenhouse, most of it I had to throw away. 'Maybe starting fresh is good,' I thought, trying to convince myself.

I went back to the apartment a little while later.

"Mom, I'm home," I spoke loudly as I walked into the door.

No reply.

"Mom?" I called out questioningly.

I looked around the apartment, which took about 30 seconds since it's so small, and obviously she wasn't home.

'Must be working late at the diner tonight,' I thought as I slipped into bed and off into a deep sleep.

'You just need some rest and you'll be good as new tomorrow.'

Well, that didn't happen. But thankfully, it didn't matter because the studio gave us the day off today anyway.

"Hey Mom, sorry I slept in—" I stopped talking once I realized I was, again, the only one in the kitchen.

'That's weird,' I thought as I pulled out my phone.

I called her cell phone four times before calling Jim, the manager of the diner.

"Hey kiddo! How's it going?" I could hear Jim smiling through the phone as he answered. He's always been a close family friend.

"Um, I was wondering if my mother was there," I asked beginning to become nervous.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ang, she's not," Jim answered, his voice immediately changing, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"It's okay, she's probably just at the store," I lied, trying to sounds cheery. 'No need to worry someone else,' I thought to myself, "See ya!" I added, as I quickly hung up the phone.

I called the dentist office she was a secretary at, even though I knew she took the day off today so we could spend time together since we've both been so busy recently. She wasn't there either.

"Hi, 9-1-1?" I questioned, "My name is Angelina, I'm seventeen years old and I live with just me and my mom. I haven't seen my mom since I left the house early yesterday morning. I called her cell phone multiple times and both her work places. She hasn't answered me and no one has seen her." "Okay," the emergency operator replied calmly, "My name is Grace. I'll send out a missing person's report and the police will be at your house in minutes. How about you give me your address and we can talk about some other information that might help us while we wait for one of our squads to arrive at your house?"

Grace was really helpful, making me at least remain a little calmer while waiting for the police to arrive. It all almost didn't seem real. I called Gia on my cell phone while I continued to talk with Grace on my house phone. I told her everything I had told Grace. Gia said she was leaving immediately, I could hear her yelling to her family, "WE GOT TO GO NOW!" she barked at them; I usually would have laughed but I was too concerned about my mom. Then I realized no matter how fast Mr. Carter drove, Gia wouldn't be here for a few hours; so I texted Sabrina and Rowan who must have texted everyone else, because soon enough, Sabrina, Rowan, Corey, Uriah, and Dan were all at my door just moments after the cops arrived. We all exchanged hugs as I continued to speak with the lead detective.

Then Peyton walked in.

"Sorry I'm late—" he started saying as he walked through the door. He stopped when our eyes met across the small, now overcrowded, living room.

"Look, Ang, I'll leave if you want me to, I just wanted to be here for you but I'll go if you—"

I just ran over and hugged him.

I know I'm still hurting from what he did to me, but right now, I need him more than ever.

"Thank you," I whispered quiet enough into his shoulder so only he could hear.

"You're welcome," he whispered back, pulling me closer into him.

In his arms, I felt safe.In that moment, I closed my eyes with my head on his chest, and he was my safeplace and I was able to forget about the world.


Hey guys! Sorry for the shorter chapter, but you'll love whats coming in chapters 13&14 !!! it's going to be pretty intense, I hope you guys can handle it ;)

Thank you all for the support, it means so much!





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