Chapter 10: A Part of the Team

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I woke up to the sound of snow gently falling on my windowsill... and also Gia shaking me.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up," Gia was continuously rambling as she shook me awake.

"I'm up, I'm up," I said, as I rolled over to face her.

"Good!" Gia said, jumping up and running to my bathroom to finish getting ready.

'That girl' I thought, laughing to myself as I dragged my tired body out of bed.

"Hey you're not limping!" Gia exclaimed as I walked into the bathroom to wash up before getting ready.

"You're right!" I said, smiling at myself in the mirror.

We finally finished getting ready. I was wearing a gray long sleeve dress, black mid-thigh boots, a light, thin black scarf, and sliver stud earrings. I had on some pretty, natural-looking eye shadow that complimented my hazel eyes and black hair. Gia was wearing an off-white dress, brown boots that reach just below the knee, and a jacket. "We look hot," Gia said, smirking at our reflection in the mirror. "Agreed," I added, as we laughed, high-fiving. "Peyton's going to want to wife you up right now," Gia said as she walked out my bedroom door.

'Peyton.' I thought to myself. I was so worried about getting to the studio on time and still groggy from just getting up, I hadn't even thought of Peyton. "Oh no," I mumbled to myself, as I sat back down on my bed remembering all that transpired between us yesterday. The hospital, the interview, our talk on the roof, it all came rushing back, "We're just friends," I said, sadly to myself, "...and it's all my fault," I whispered, looking down at my hands in my lap. I only said I wanted to be friends because I realized, I'm just holding Peyton back. He could have some rich, beautiful, actress-model girlfriend, instead of the poor girl with a dark past. I'll only cause him trouble, I mean just look at everything that happened recently. 'But, hey, at least we will still be friends,' I thought. I don't think I would even be able to handle not having him in my life at all.

"You coming, Ang?" Gia said, smiling as she popped her head back into my room, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, totally, was just, um, fixing my hair really quick," I said, giving her a fake smile, "I'll be down in a sec."

"Okay," She hesitated, giving me a weak smile.

I just hope she doesn't know I still may have feelings for Peyton. I denied it when I told her in the bathroom about last night, but I hope it was convincing enough. Hopefully us starting over and taking it slow will allow us to build a better friendship before considering moving onto anything else...

We arrived at the studio soon after Peyton's nice driver picked us up.

"Hey guys!" Sabrina shouted, as she ran over to greet each of us with a hug.

"How are you feeling?" Sabrina said, concern overshadowing her usually bright eyes.

"I'm good, really!" I said, knowing she didn't believe me at first, "Look, no more crutches, just an ankle brace!"

"Great!" Sabrina said, smiling, "Now you both only have to wear braces!...Oops" Sabrina cringed, "I'm sorry, I don't know if you feel comfortable talking about him or being around him, but I assumed since you were here and he invited you and--" Sabrina rambled out all in one breathe. "Sabrina!" I shouted laughing, cutting her off, "I'm fine, but I appreciate that you care so much," I said giving her another hug, and I genuinely meant it. Not many people care that much about me to be so sensitive about things like this and that meant a lot. But Sabrina will find out that I'm a tough girl, and if things do bother me, I never show it on the surface unless I want to... okay the last few days have been a bad example, but besides that I actually am a fighter... I guess I've just never had my heart broken before.

You Found Me ➳ ft. Peyton MeyerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu