A Retrieval and Training

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-Hidden Octarian Base-

Walking in the dim of an Octarian base hallway an Octoling soldier was summoned by the head scientist of the hidden base. 

"Sir i have assembled a few troops to capture the so called specimen?" The octoling soldier entered into the lab full of bottles with different colored liquid in them and various lab technologies that the soldier had no idea how to use she swallowed nervously and stood in a salute stance after speaking.

"Good, and take one of the failures with you" Professor Octo said while looking through his microscope.

"Forgive me sir, but i don't see the need to bring a failed CBRUS( A/N:Cerberus the three headed dog) to bring back another failure?"

Prof. Octo looked up then slowly turn his head looking at the Octoling in anger "Need i remind you that the so called failure managed to escape this facility and severely damaging  the completion of my work!," he slammed his fist to the desk.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I didn't-" The Octoling tried to speak but was silenced.

"Enough! I don't need to hear you useless babbling , just bring me bring me the subject Alive" Prof.Octo emphasise the last word and threw a small whistle device at the Octoling.

 "Use this, it will help you control the failures better" The Octoling scientist explained and went back to his work.

"Y-yes Sir!" The Octoling quickly caught the device and left the lab.

The Octoling quickly walked through the halls, passing by other soldiers reaching a door that required access cards to enter.She slid her card besides the panel, sounds of unlocking could be heard.

Entering into the room the Octoling could see various containment rooms, some dark , some dimly lit and glass ones hold different experiment.On what she had no clue. After passing various room the Octoling reached the one she was looking for. Why was she the one to deal with this she thought as she stopped at the door.

A confinement glass cage that like the others was also dimly lit, a few seconds of peering something jumped at the glass causing the Octoling to jump in fear. A strange goop had hit the glass and slowly slid to the ground then it started to form into a small size magenta colored dog, snarling at the onlooker.

"Uhh... I hate these sludge pup" The Octoling remarked to herself in disgust. " It looks like you're going to have some fun today Fido" She smirked Evilly 


Faint giggles could be heard as the young purple inkling holding her splatfest plushie sat by the rail of the Battle Dojo waiting for her first love and now teacher to come. The giggles persist as did quiet whispers of question of 'Why does she have the plush or how old is she?'and many more rude comments. 
"Boo!" A voice suddenly said behind Kai causing her to almost fall off the railing, but with quick reflexes of Lizer she was able to prevent her from falling by grabbing her hoodie from the back and easily lifting Kai like a piece of cloth.

"Lizer i told you this would happen if you do that" The turquoise inkling said and sigh shaking her head.

"hehehe....I'm sorry Ella but i couldn't help it" Lizer said still holding Kai by her camo hoodie while having a toothy grin showing her fangs.

"Afternoon Kai you ready for your training?" The yellow spiky red tip hair inkling asked earning a nod from the said inkling. " Oh! is this the same plush i gave you" Lizer saw the plush in Kai's hand it still had faint stains of blood on it but not enough for others to notice.

"Y-yeah... it is" She answered with a faint blush of embarrassment on her cheeks." I always carry it with me for good luck" She look at it and smiled faintly.

"*Cough* Lizer are you gonna hold her like that all day" Ella said breaking their reminiscing moment.

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