Missing Beast

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Last time.....

"Tell Ella i'm sorry for breaking another promise...." 

Ella POV

I was sitting on the edge of Lizer's hospital bed my leg shaking up and down nervously. I was feeling anxious, for some reason I had a very bad feeling today. I gently touch where Lizer struck, the scratches were mostly gone. "Where are you Lizer? Please be alright" I thought as i keep glancing over the door

"You alright Ella" Jade snapped me back to reality.

"Y-yeah, i'm fine, just wondering what's taking Lizer so long" I replied fake smiling

"Ella, relax and have some pie my mom brought me.Just be patient, I bet she'll burst through that door any minute now, giving you the biggest hug she could" Jade said optimistically munching down on her pie and watching some cartoons.

"Maybe you're right, but i'll pass on the pie though" I sighed staring back at the door.

The door opened "Jade i'm back" Red came in making me frown in disappointment " Sorry i was late. I had to knock some sense back it into Kai(different one) " She said sitting down next to Jade.

"Maybe i shouldn't have let her go..." I mentally sighed 

To my surprise The SquidSister's show started. Callie was back this time that means the tranq wore off

"We seem to have some bad news squids, Bluefin Depot will be shutdown for today" Callie spoke

Marie continued "It was planned to be in rotation this afternoon but It seems that someone has pressed the emergency disconnection alert, shutting down access to the stage." 

"Authorities have reported that there were claw marks on several walls with the following inkling ink and a mix of Octarian ink"  Callie read the paper she was reading from.

'Claw marks?!' I thought in panic

"Octarian Ink!" Marie repeated," What are Octarians doing in Bluefin Depot?" She questioned 

"I don't know Marie, but a witness said that they kidnapped her friend" Callie

 The moment Callie said the word kidnapped i ran out of the hospital and straight to the Tower.


"Sis you need to tell me what happened " West said concern.He had came right after they called him saying his sister was in the tower infirmary .Kai was taken to the room for questioning and check ups.

Ella rushed into the room and grabbed Kai by the collar,"What happened!" She said with malice 

Kai nervously looked up at Ella," They took her" She muttered, " We were talking ,then all of a sudden they attacked us" She started to sob and showed her the necklace. Ella's eyes went wide in shock

Ella let's go and turned away, her hands clenching into fist " I should've never let her go!" She muttered,"She was hurt and I still let her go...." She wipe some tears away, "Why...Why...Didn't you stop them!" She angrily whipped at Kai.

"H-hey you can't talk to my sister like"West stepped in front of his crying sister,"I bet it was your monster of a friend's fault that my sister was attacked" 

*Slap* Kai hit her brother straight across the face. Ella wanted to hit him to but Kai was faster.


I slapped my brother, tears were streaming from my eyes, "That monster saved my life West , you have no right to say that!" I bellowed 

I then turn to face Ella" Did you think I wouldn't have!"I shouted at her, "I tried to stop them but Lizer ended up saving me again" I placed a hand over my eyes tearing up every time i remember what she did.

Splatoon: Journey of a Beast-inklingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant