An Unfocused Rage Part 3

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-Plaza Building roofs-

3rd POV

Lizer leaped from building to building ,trying to get away from Sky's group. After a few building Lizer lands in a park not to far from the plaza.

*Land noise*

"Hmph this should be enough distance for the time being", A distorted voice said windmilling her arms getting rid of stiffness, 'Lupus please stop this, i'm fine really' Lizer pleaded. "No i'm taking you away from these people they've done nothing but hurt you!" Lupus argued . ' But it's not there fault they were only trying to help me' Lizer argued. "Enough! why don't you sleep a little" Lupus growled."N-no!....Lizer screamed but was silence moments later, "Aahh...good.."Lupus said with a smirk


Sky's POV

"UWAH!" Everyone yelled, and was pushed back by Lizer's attack. In my stumble I saw her leap and did a zigzag jump on the walls and disappeared.

"Shit! she got away," I got up and checked if everyone wasn't badly injured. "Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah we're good just a few scratches here and there " James said

"Good!, Mint do you think you can track her with your powers?"

"Y-yeah i can, but the weird thing is it's not just her, there is another one" Mint reply

"HUH...? what do you mean?" I asked confused

"While you guys were holding her off I could hear not one but two voices in her" Mint explained

"Two voices?..." I thought but was interrupted by Tripp, running over to us with a small box in his hand.

"Guys! i'm back."


"Uumm... Where is Lizer?"

"I found her!, she's at the Flounder park!" Mint said getting everyone's attention.

"Come on guys!" Sky said heading to the park.


(Jason's apartment )

Jason's POV

Tripp: (Sky's voice was heard over the phone)

Jason: W-what was that...?

Tripp:"Ah...N-nothing...gotta go bye !-click-

'That was odd', I thought as I puts my phone on the coffee table. I was watching some pro Rank Matches when I heard a knock on the door.

-Knock knock-

Answering the door I gasped seeing who it was. It was a small turquoise color inkling girl about the same age and skin color as Lizer's but she has green eyes and she's a few inches taller than her, she wore her Blue Sailor Suit, Special Force Beret and Dark blue Hi-tops.

"Ella is that you?" I blinked a few time in surprise.

"Yup it's me Jason" Ella beamed giving me a salute

"When did you get here, how are your parents, why are you here I thought you were still in the splatoon military " I bombed Ella with questions. She is Lizer best friend , these two were very close when they were young, even now they still are until Ella had school and Lizer couldn't go because of the way she is now.

Ella giggles," Calm down Jason , first i got here today , second my parents are fine and third i finished that a while ago and i'm here because of Lizer." Ella said that last phrase one in a serious tone.

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