Heading due East!

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Red led everyone away from Silva. 

"Phew... That was close one . If she had caught us that would've been the end of it. " Red sighed. 

"You sound like you know her?" Asked Kai. Red nodded shuddering.

"That was Silva. She's known for her flirtatious ways around anyone she finds... 'interesting.' "

"Then I think she might have one on Lizer." Kai said remembering Silva calling her cute and other stuff.

Ella abruptly stopped furrows her brows and growled out,"What do you mean by that Kai..."

Kai gulped, remembering how Ella gets when someone wants 'HER' Lizer. Skylar groans.

"Ella we'll deal with that later, let's just focus on finding her. Okay?" Sky reasoned

West scoffs, "I really don't get what you see in her." Kai and Ella both gave West a glare telling him to shut up.

"Hey!" Jason said offended," That's my sister you're talking about so watch it!" He rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself.

The team continue to move throughout the halls of the CageDome. They eventually came across some guards, two Twiticle Octotroopers, they were standing completely still, sitting on top of their machines, guarding the door. Skylar hushed the group as she swiftly use her charger and splatted them instantly. 

They entered the room they have been guarding and found a half lab half desk, cluttered with various beakers, papers and other lab stuff. In the middle of the desk sat a laptop( it was left on still logged in.) and it was hooked up to a wide monitor and external keyboard plugged to it. 

A file icon named C.P caught Jason's eyes. Moving the mouse, he clicked on it opening it up. 

"A few of the test subject have been showing some strange reactions when injected with the ancient beast ink. Those who don't change start showing signs of irregularities in their body. DNA test will be run shortly."

Jason scrolled down. 

"DNA test show what appears to be a combination between the subjects natural DNA and Ancient Beast DNA. Test are now being done to see if all changes occurs with Octarian and inkling or not."

Reluctantly, Jason scrolled down more.

"Tests confirm that all change. Our first two captured inklings have shown remarkable changes. Question still remain on controlling them. Note-to-self request to test that and up the DNA dosage on them."

Jason gulped, but continue to scroll. 

"Request was accepted, unfortunately one of the test subjects for this went unstable and escaped, the other was gravely wounded. No matter the one we still kept from dying is still useful."

"Since the experiment C2 's escape, most of test have been on C1 who is recovering but his behavior has been very aggressive, everyone should use extreme caution when dealing with him now. "

"Now this was unexpected. Using the DNA of C1 on others transfers his abilities to them. This will decrease the chances on more failures."

"We've recapture the escaped subject, proceeding with phase in controlling them and begin wiping out all inklings."

Jason had to stop himself. He held his head in his hand. 

"These monsters."

"What?" Ella asked

"The scientists... They've been using your brothers DNA to make more like him and Lizer."

Ella gasped putting her hand on her mouth. Not only because of what they were doing to Lizer , but her brother is still alive. "N-no." Jason nodded solemnly. 

Splatoon: Journey of a Beast-inklingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ