Don't be Alone

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Ella's POV

The sun shine on my face causing me to wake up.I tried to get out of bed but a jolt of pain stopped me" Ouch, I guess losing control meant not being gentle too. When did I even fall asleep?".I heard the door open taking me from my thoughts.I looked up to see it was Lizer walking in.

"Ella! You're awake"Lizer came in the room and hugged me.I hissed in pain"Ow!"

She let go of me and had a sad look on her face."Ella don't make me do that again".


"Why? For one thing you have bite and hickey marks all over you."I felt my neck and she was right. A few of them still throbbed in pain.

"But i thought you liked it?"

"Heh....i'd be lying if i say i didn't." She chuckled and held my hand. "But making you faint sure as ink didn't, so i won't do it again."

"I fainted?" I said surprised.

She nodded solemnly, " I thought I hurt you."

I grabbed either side of her face." Lizer i'm fine, you didn't hurt me." I gave her a gentle smile and tried to kiss her, but she shook her head away.

"I said no Ella. You are making this very difficult for me you know that."She puts her hand on her face shakes her head.

I grin and pulled her on to her bed with me"I'm your girlfriend it's my job," I smiled and gently kissed her, she stopped fighting and enjoyed it. 

She chuckles, " Yeah but treating you like a chew toy was going overboard and sorry about that."

I smile and wrapped my arms around her neck ,"It's alright Lizer. Just next time don't knibble so much on my tentacles."

She blushed and gave me a cute glare. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She tackled me stopping me with her own lips, causing us both to start giggling. As we were kissing I wondered about something.

"Hey Lizer, how come you don't have any hickeys?"I noticed, pulling away to speak. I could've sworn I left at least 2 or 3 mark on her. But they're now completely gone.

"Oh uh, that it's because of my mutation I can heal faster."She explained.

"W-what? really?" I gave her a sceptical look, not believing her.

"If you want i can heal you too" She suggested slipping from my grasp, Darn!


"By doing this." She flipped our position now i was at the one on the bottom. She held a finger in front of me then she bite down on it causing her mixed yellow-red blood to seep out.

"Lizer what are you doing!? I quickly took her hand out of her mouth.

"It's ok Ella, now take it"She held it in front of me. I kept looking at her questionably.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Are you gonna take my blood or just watch me bleed to death."I took it,and it taste...well like blood.

"There your wounds will disappear in a few minutes" She said with a smile and got off me.

Later that day...

"I don't believe it"I said looking at my neck at the mirror,most of the bite marks are gone.

"See what did i tell you" She said and hugged me from the back.

"Since when did you know it could do this" I asked looking behind me.

"To be honest it was by accident. Someone that stayed at the same hospital help me discovered it."

"Mind telling me?"

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