A Time to be Free!- A Rough Train ride

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"Lizer are you finally up" said Lizer's Mom as she enters her room.when she enters the room she saw Lizer was on the floor.

 Lizer slowly got up where she was sleeping and answer " yah mom I am." With another yawn she stood up to realize where she was and looked at her mom with a face that says 'I did it again.'

Lizer's mother sighs as she looks at Lizer and begins to tell her something " Lizer my dear I have good news and bad news". 

Lizer raised an eyebrow and asked "what's the bad news?" 

"Since the 'incident' i've shelter you all these years to keep you safe and hoping to find a cure with any doctor we could, but we're only getting the same results, i'm starting to run out of ideas. 

Lizer stood in front of her mother while she thought about what she said, a few seconds past and Lizer spoke up. " Mom i know it's been hard trying to find cure for me, but i'm alright don't worry about me, since you ran out of ideas, how about i try looking for my own answers?" Lizer suggested

 "well... here is the good news" She said and pulled out a ticket in front of Lizer. 

Lizer looked at the ticket for a few seconds her eyes widened as she looks at the ticket the turn them at her mother with a 'are you for real' face. She quickly took the ticket and hug her mom while screaming " thankyouthankyouthankyou!". 

After Lizer let go of her mother she, started packing for her journey to inkopolis.

As she was packing she thought 'Finally! I can start Living.' After Lizer finished packing , she took a quick shower and brushed her teeths ( all 5) and headed downstairs for breakfast which was a Tuna sandwich with some inktea(Her favorite). 

Finishing her breakfast she grabbed her bag, and give a final hug to her mom before heading out her home. Her mom was waving goodbye as Lizer made her trek to the train station. Lizer's mom quickly called out to her daughter " Remember to tell your brother you're coming and tell him to keep an eye on you!" 

"alright mom! I will! Bye!" Lizer said as she walked off.

(Time skip to Train Station....)

Lizer finally got to the train station , holding her bag and ticket she made her way to the train and enter it. she took a glance around and saw a lot of other inklings, she then made her way to an empty seat by the window. After a while the train started moving, Lizer was staring out into space when she started to hear whispers. 

"What's wrong with her hair?" an inkling girl whispers to another sitting next to her .

"I don't know. she probably dyed it, but i wonder how she did the spiky part?" the other inkling girl suggest and asked.

"But that's not possible. There are no red ink or tip in inkopolis or anywhere for that matter."  

"I'd want to know how she made her hair spiky like that it looks kind of scary and fresh at the same time." Another girl inkling interjected.

As the whispers continue Lizer started to fiddle with her fingers shyly as she gets more unwanted attention , every time she looks around, she can see inklings quickly turn their heads away from her and turn silent. when Lizer turns back she could still hear the murmurs continue on.

Lizer sighs '...this is going to be a long train ride....'



Hi!! everyone how are you liking this chapter so far 

Anything i need to fix or wrong phrases.

English is not my main language so i try my best to not make any mistakes (but we're not perfect :P)


PS. how do i make my text bold?  (-_-')................

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