A Beast's Love

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~~~ A Week Later~~~

As Lizer requested Ella gave her more space to do the things she wanted; like cooking, taking a brisk walk and the occasional run. She couldn't get back to turf wars yet as Doctors order her to take it easy and have plenty of meals so her body could get back to normal.

So she just did that. She even went on more dates with Ella. Since she was stuck at the hospital when she was younger they couldn't go on many dates like normal couples would do.

For Ella each of those dates was more amazing than the next and Lizer enjoyed seeing her love happy and smiling. And every time they kiss Lizer would feel this strong urge to take it further. But she was afraid. Afraid of herself and these strange pull she was feeling. She thought she might hurt Ella or worse. Since coming back from the hospital Lizer couldn't hear Lupus anymore, she tried to contact her only to feel that she was tired or completely silent which was odd.

But Ella on the other hand would feel esthetic, excited when they kiss like that but also disappointed when Lizer pulled away after realizing what she was doing. She would always ask what was wrong but Lizer would always reply with "I'm fine" or dogging the question entirely.  


It was a normal afternoon, Lizer was alone at home bored watching tv when her doorbell rang. She lazily got up and answered the door meeting an unfamiliar older Inkling?

"Hey kitten!" Greeted the unfamiliar inkling.

Lizer sniffed the strange inkling 'Weird why does she smell Beatrice?' She thought while scratching her head." I'm sorry but do I know you?" She asked.

"Wow this disguise Jade gave me really does works!" Said the inkling taking off the black mask."Don't tell you forgot about old Beatrice now?"

Lizer smiled and jumped to hug the older Octoling." Omg Beatrice it is you. And no I didn't forget I still remember your scent."

"How've you been? And aren't you suppose to be with my brother and the agents helping them build your new lab/ house for you?" Lizer said motioning with her hand for Beatrice to come inside.

"Doing fine. Ah... yes I am, but your brother was worried about you being alone so I came here to check up on you." She gladly came into the big apartment not noticing Lizer playfully rolling her eyes. 'Still the worry wart brother' She thought.

Lizer laughs." Well as you can see I'm fine, just bored at the moment. I was with Skylar and Kai watching them do Turfwars a few hours ago."

"Oh that's right Ella went back home for her brother's funeral and you're still not fully healed to play."

Lizer nodded solemnly. It would've been nice to go and say goodbye to Tanly, but she thought Ella's parents would hate seeing her there and cause a scene blame her for everything again and she didn't want to be blamed again.

"Are you sad that you couldn't go and say goodbye to him?" Asked Beatrice carefully.

"Yes and no." was her reply and Beatrice gave her a puzzled look. " For some reason I feel like I've already said my goodbyes to him. Weird huh?"

"Hhmm...odd indeed." Beatrice nodded in agreement.

A few seconds of silence went by until Lizer decided to ask Beatrice about something."Um, Beatrice can I ask you a question."

"Hm, Sure what is it."

"You've dated before right?"

"Yes." She answered slowly not seeing where this is going. Lizer scratched her head nervously," Well I wanted your opinion about something."

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