Inner Wolf Power!

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Hi Hi!!

Hiatus is finally over!!!

I need a better name for this HELP ME!



Beatrice heard howling as the team descended down some broken ink ropes. It sounded sad. Were we to late? She thought

"What is that sound?" West asked.

"It's L...." Kai said her face turning solemnly" She's crying..." She swam down faster not wasting anymore time.

They all landed safely. Beatrice traced the room, it looked completely destroyed and barely stable. Her eyes landed on the two figures huddled together.  

"Kitten...?" She said softly Lizer jerked up hearing Beatrice's voice and ran to her dragging her to Tanly.

"Beatrice your a doctor! Help him, please help Tanly!" Lizer begged her face was stained with tears.

Beatrice quickly nodded and went to Tanly's body. She knelt down and felt for his pulse. Her eyes went wide then closed grimacing as she felt nothing. 

Beatrice looked sadly at Lizer."I'm...I'm so sorry Kitten H-he's gone." She spoke softly putting a hand on top of Lizer's head.

Lizer backed away, not believing the Octarians words."No!" She cried out,"He can't be gone he was just here. He was himself and smiling. He said he was tired, yeah just tired, I'll wake him up!" She knelt down to Tanly's pale body and frantically shook it, her hands getting stained in his blood," Tanly wake up! Please wake up! My friend is here she can help you." Her voice cracked as Tanly's body showed no sign of movement.

"Lizer enough! He has lost to much blood. He's gone there is nothing I can do!" Beatrice yelled pulling her back and hug her. Lizer arms fell as she broke down into tears.Tanly's gone! Why? What has he ever done to deserve this! This place ...that scientist...!! Lizer's mind roared in anger. The room went silent as Lizer sobs and hiccups ring throughout the room.

Lizer stopped leaning on Beatrice and knelt back to Tanly. She slowly began to remove the remaining rocks from him."Lizer. " Ella placed a hand on her shoulder. She paused looking sadly at her own watery eyes. "I know Ella..." Lizer spoke calmly then changed to use her claws for better reach," I promised to get him out of here and I will." She returned to removing the rocks.

"W-what do we do now?" Kai asked with caution standing next to Lizer.

"We leave." Lizer simply said moving a large rock aside just a few more and she would be done." There is nothing keeping us here." Not anymore.

"Except me!" Silva grunted pushing the pillars off of her. She shook dust of herself and bared her fangs at them. "I am not letting any of you escape!" She growl sharpening her silver-magenta ink on her claws.

Lizer stood up after finishing holding Tanly ignoring Silva. She walked over to Jason." Jason get them all out of here." She said barely able to hold her angered voice, placing Tanly in his hands.

"What about you?" He asked, but he probably knew the answer already. He only saw his sister like this since that day she thought Tanly was dead. Now it was different he died in front of her.

Lizer turn to face Silva but Ella stopped her by grabbing her arm having heard what she said to Jason."No Lizer we're not leaving you here al-" Ella tried to protest but Lizer wouldn't hear it.

Lizer clenched her jaw, slowly growling."Ella you can't change my mind this time. Leave now!" She coldly pulled her arm away from her.

"But Lizer-"

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