Lauren slammed her hand on the kitchen counter causing Camila to jump. "Oh fuck that Camila. I know you want me just as much as I want you."

Camila looked down and ran her fingers through her hair as if she was thinking. She bit her lip and looked up.

"Come on baby I miss you, I miss us. Camila." Lauren said while wrapping her arms around her waste. "I just want to show you how much you mean to me, I love you."

"I love you to Lauren. Now shut up with your talking and show me."

Lauren smiled as she watched Camila slowly walk up the stairs and she followed behind her closely with her hands gripped on her hips tightly.

As both women pushed open the door rushed to the bed for a full day of letting their built up emotions out.


As they lay rapped in each other's arms Camila was started to stretch feeling her body and muscles ache. She carefully got out of bed trying not to wake a knocked out Lauren who had her arms basically glued to the younger Latina's waist.

After Camila finished up her business she slowly crawled her way back into bed. She began to doze back off until she heard a phone go off. Knowing it wasn't her's she decided just to pick Lauren phone up and turn the volume off when she saw something she didn't want to see.

Sydney😚: Lol I miss u too babe, txt me when your baby mom leaves. So we can hook up again.

Camila's eyes nearly popes out of her head. She couldn't believe this. Lauren actually was cheating on her with in of her old friends.

After awhile of Camila reading the message she had of course put Lauren's phone down, but she was still too upset and shocked and lay back down so she just sat up in the bed with her knees up to her chest and her arms crossed.

Camila had actually had enough this time.


"Baby, where are you going?" Lauren asked as she turned over and felt an empty spot next to her.

"To my mom's. I have to go and see the kids. I can't just leave them with my mom all day." She said as she got up finished putting on the rest of her clothes.

Lauren sighed as she sat up on the bed and watched Camila closely. Before Camila could continue to get ready and leave she grabbed her arm. "Baby, why don't you just call your mom, and tell her your staying with me again."

Camila snatched her arm back and shook her head. "You know Lauren, I'm really starting to think that all your wanting out of me right now is just some rough make up sex."

"W-why would you say that? Baby no-"

Camila just pushed past her and headed downstairs with Lauren following.

"Ok Camila stop. What in the hell is going on? I thought we were on great terms again, I mean we did just have some awesome sex." Lauren said with a shrug.

"It actually doesn't matter anymore Lauren, because I've had enough. I mean instead of worrying about how we are going to keep our daughter, I find out that your going around screwing one of my old best friends."

Lauren just stood there with her head down. "But I just got the screwing you also." Camila shot Lauren the quickest glare before moving towards the door.

"I'm so glad that you think this is some joke Lauren."

"No, no, no, no. Ok baby wait." Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around Camila's shoulders and turned her back around.

"Baby I'm sorry, I really am. But I have no idea what your talking about."

"I'm talking about Sydney texting you and saying that you guys should hook up again when your baby momma isn't around. Lauren I'm not an idiot, I know ok! So just don't lie to me, did you or did you not sleep with that woman?"

Lauren looked down and shook her head. "Baby it was one time and awhile ago I-I promise-"

Camila cut her off by holding up her hand. Large tears slowly escaped her eyes and rolled down her face.

"See this is why I said no contact while we're separated. Only when you want to see the kids, or if it is about Brooklyn's case." She said in a low voice.

"No! But baby, I promise you if you just give us another chance it won't happen again!" Lauren said quickly.

"I'll see you around Lauren." Camila said as she shut the front door.

"Shit!" Lauren yelled and she threw her fist at the door. Breathing heavily she pulled out her phone and began to go through know exactly who to call.

After a few rings they finally picked up.

"Hey." Lauren said as she sniffed

"Uh hey. Lauren?"

"Yeah it's me, I-i need you."



Oooohh my gosh...😁 so like I know it's been forevvvvver since I've posted but I've got a really good excuse!

...Actually I really don't, sorry guys I've just not been feeling up to it is all but I'll try not to let it happen again, I promise😊

So like always let me know what you thought of this chapter💭🤔 -who is Lauren calling?? -Should Camila be mad??

I luv that emoji 🤔🤔 seriously I do🤔 but anyway please excuse me. So just let me know what you thought I appreciate it so much😚

Luv you all💕


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