Chapter 20

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After everything was going so well... I completely forgot about the handsome elephant in the room, Kyle Peterson.

A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts. I moaned, "I'll get it." Zac was too far into Sleepingville to wake up. I untangled my legs from Zac's, just to fall on my face while swinging my legs over the side of the bed. "I'm okay." I whispered to no one in particular.

I dragged my legs to the huge double mahogany doors. Another knock erupted from the door. "What do you want, it's three in the morning?"

"Actually it's eight thirty, but you never were much of a morning person." Kyle's husky voice responds. His eyes glisten over my body absorbing every nook and cranny. His hungry gaze has me feeling exposed as I look down at my short cotton shorts and tank top.

"Kyle, what do you want?"

I thought I heard him mumble, "You." but all thoughts are erased when he said. "A date. One simple, no-strings-attatched date. If you don't want anymore after that I will completely leave. It will be like I never reentered yours or stepped into Annaliese's life."

"Okay, she'll do it." A voice behind me answers. I turn around to be greeted with the face of my husband.

"Zac, I was just going to turn him down."

"No, if he truly will leave us alone after one date, then I want you to take it."

I let out a large huff. "Fine, but no funny business."

"You have my word." Kyle grins a childish grin. Maybe this won't be so bad. "So, if it's a good date, do I get sex?" And he ruins it.

"Watch it." Zac warns. I turn away to go back to my bed.

"Oh I'm watching it." Kyle mumbles. I turn around to see him ogling my butt. "Five years, plus one kid later and that ass still looks like it did when we were teenagers." Zac slams the door in Kyle's face. "I HATE TO SEE YOU GO, BUT I LOVE TO WATCH YOU LEAVE!" Kyle yells from behind the doors.

Two hours later...

Kyle brought me to our old school?

"Why are we back in high school?"

Kyle laughs, "I thought it would be fun to reenact our high school selves. Here I'll stand over here," he moves to the side, "and you swoon over me."

"I did not swoon over you in high school!"

"Oh on the contrary, you ogled me every single day, and you blushed when I called you out."

"Okay, so maybe at the beginning and end of the year I swooned, but after that I didn't." I could tell that my war was an uphill battle.

"You so did....So, are you like busy tomorrow?" Kyle asked in a gruff voice.

"Yeah." I answered in a 'Valley Girl' accent.

"Doing what?"

"Anything but you."

"Ouch, you crushed my fragile high school self-esteem."

"Puhlease, you had the biggest ego that I have ever seen."

"Are you sure that you aren't talking about my di-"

"Nope! Definitely not." I interrupted.

"Fine, want to do what we actually did in high school? I'll say pick-up lines and you crush every one of them."

"Okay?" I am not so sure about this.

"I'm going to write you a prescription...for more of me." Kyle smiled waiting for me to come up with an answer.

"You're the reason that I am sick in the first place. Thanks for the syphilis, Ass!" His eyes bugged out as he started to look around. By the way, I don't really have syphilis.

"Wow, brash answers. doctor references in public places. Got it."

"As fun as this was, can I leave?" I plead.

"Not until you confess your undying love for me."

I roll my eyes, "Kyle, I am so in love with you, please don't tell Zac." I laugh and look up.


"Kyle, what was that?!"

He takes his phone and puts it behind his back. "Nothing."

"Kyle, I swear on the life of your balls, that if you are lying- so help me. I will make you wish that you had no dick to begin with."

"Relax, it is just a joke. I'll drive you home if it has you that freaked out."

"Uh, you better not have done anything....We don't have to go home either." His face brightened at my words.

"Do you mean it?"

"No." His face fell. "I'm kidding, we can still finish this date. After all, the only thing that you have proved is that you suck at dates and pick up lines."

"I don't know, Annaliese is the result of a date."

"No, Annaliese is the result of two hormonal drunk teens at a party."

"One." He corrects.

"One what?"

"One hormonal drunk teen, I was sober. Hormonal yes, drunk no." My anger boiled over.

"Are you kidding me? You knew that I was drunk and you still had sex with me?"

"Am I suppose to answer that? Yes..."

Before I could register anything I was chest-to-chest with Kyle. I hitched my leg up and threw it on him. I pulled him to me by his neck. Right when our lips were about to touch, I kicked him in the groin. My fist soon connected with his face. He groaned for a few minutes.

"If I pull my white boxers out and wave them in the air will you quit." He pleads.

"It depends on how entertaining it is." He actually shocks me when he reaches in to his own pants and yanks his underwear off. OW! Talk about personal infliction. "Okay, you can stop now."

He looks up at me and smiles. "I knew you would try to get me out of my underwear before the night ended."

"That's-I-It's... never mind." I huff.

Needless to say that brought our date to a swift end.

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